
@ SavageWhit
2025-03-06 04:34:38
Miss American Pie 🥧 rewrite was wild 😜 Well deserved don’t hate the player : gate keeper of the game. Information ℹ️ is always there but filtering it … I hate you more …
Oh, and right now , we are all in one place
All Generations lost in cyberspace
With no time left to start again
So come on, Attack be nimble, Attack be quick
Attack Trolls rage on a constant uptick
Cause hate is divisions best friend
Oh, and as I watched them on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
My heart broke open in hopes to engage
No angel born in Hell
Could break MISS Informations swell
And as the Claims climbed high into the Sites
to light the superficial spite
I saw Evil laughing with delight
the day my free speech died