@ The Orange Revolution
2025-01-15 19:03:50
I know with the hype around Trump's election victory and the pro-Bitcoin people that he has surrounded himself with as of late, the idea of a Bitcoin Strategy Reserve or BSR is an intoxicating idea among many Bitcoiners.
I don't blame Bitcoiners from being happy about it, how can you not be? After enduring the last 4 years of vicious crackdown, arbitrary rules from the SEC and outright hostility to the Bitcoin community in general it is nice to have an administration that is simply nice to us and wants to leave the community alone to do it own thing.
While I am excited to see what a new Trump administration looks like for Bitcoin over the next four years, I am not onboard with a BSR. I think that the BSR is bad policy and supports the system that we are trying escape from in the first place.
In my opinion I believe a BSR signals to the world that the government doesn't believe in its own currency or its ability to reign their spending problem. Even the mere signaling that America is going to create a BSR has sent other countries scrambling to create one of their own. This is incredibly bad news for the US bond market.
[Who are the buyers of US bonds right now?](https://www.reuters.com/markets/rates-bonds/bond-vigilante-pimco-trims-long-term-us-sovereign-debt-holdings-2024-12-09/) A huge component of the market is foreign governments.[ Even though they have been less willing to buy US bonds over the last couple of decades most governments are still in the market buying up US debt. ](https://wolfstreet.com/2024/10/19/which-foreign-countries-bought-the-recklessly-ballooning-us-debt-increasingly-crucial-question-many-piled-it-up-cleanest-dirty-shirt/)
Now imagine of these foreign buyers start buying Bitcoin in small amounts at first and slowly scale into Bitcoin in a big way once they see the insane price action. They will FINALLY get it and once that happens its over the dollar. This is a gradually then suddenly like moment that no one is ready for at the moment.
So if you take way the foreign buyer of US bonds, who are you left with? The Federal Reserve. Having the Federal Reserve directly buying up government debt is huge sign of monetization of the debt to the world and doesn't bode well for the future of America or the world.
As you can see setting up a BSR would be highly destabilizing in the short term and could create a whole slew of knock on effects that no one is prepared or equipped to deal with.
In addition to destabilizing an already fragile economic environment, why do we want this big ass government to have Bitcoin in the first place? So they can keep on oppressing the working man/woman, crushing innovation and generally being a tick on the back of the private sector? How about we not empower them to keep spying on us and the world.
I want to live in a world where war impose heavy costs on leaders and governments and peace is the default setting of the world. Governments using Bitcoin to prop up their tyrannical ways is not why Bitcoin was created. You know that. I know that. The rest of the world should know that.
Bitcoin was created as an electronic p2p system that allows anyone to transact regardless of artificial borders or political differences. Bitcoin allows anyone to transact globally without the grubby hands of the government trying to take a cut. We need less government, not more.
I'm personally not a fan of governments or big money institutions getting into Bitcoin as I feel its like letting the fox into the hen house but that ship has sailed. The best we can hope for now is to create enough individual adoption that it makes it hard for governments to get a large amount of Bitcoin so they can act as a check on the accumulation of Bitcoin.
HODL culture is needed now more than ever. Don't hand over your Bitcoin to tyrants. Stack sats. HODL. Create the change you want to see in the world.