@ ike
2024-10-17 21:21:42
*Note: This is not some fancy writing piece. this is just brain farting that I thought it was too long for a regular post.*
Alex Gleason is always doing a lot of crazy interesting work. [Ditto](https://soapbox.pub/ditto/) is a step in the right direction for an alternate type of relay ecosystem that runs alongside the standard globally focused community we all know.
While #Ditto is awesome, what I'd really like to see something similar, but more focused on a multi-community experience that simultaneously makes each community's viewing experience focused only on that community's content. Just for fun, to write down some ideas, below are the 2 big changes that I think would make ditto the ultimate "communities" system that could trounce Reddit.
### 1. Single relay experience on the domain:
By default, I think community sites should only show content from the built in relay (or a relay group for redundancy). Currently on ditto.pub, when you first sign in, it feels a lot like any other web nostr client. The default home just shows follows I have from other relays instead of being thrown into the community content. You have to click the local feed, to filter the community's content, but it's limited to people who registered a NIP-05 for that domain. I think that it would be great if you could contribute with any NIP-05 and it counts as community content. That could be accomplished by equate community content to content posted on the relay. There are countless apps to get a feed of your relays, so it doesn't benefit me to see it on a communty's domain.
### 2. Sister client giving multi-community aggregation experience:
I think communities should like pokemon and you grab the ones to identify with. Create a set of web and mobile app clients that manage viewing and switching single relays at a time. The client experience would be like reddit where you navigate ditto communities like subreddits. If a community is a pokemon, then this is the pokedex?
OK I actually don't know shit about pokemon so that might not be the slam dunk I thought it was. Whoops.
### Ideas / more particulars
* To see a community's content, you add a community relay subscribing to subreddit, or simply visit the domain.
* Another great feature would be customizing the relays that make up your home feed, and making other named combo-feeds (especially awesome if you are a part of 2 rival communities who's focus generally overlap)
* The client would use more globally used relays to handle settings like your list followed ditto communities, etc (configurable)
* Similarly, to help users find communities, ditto servers can optionally publish their relay info to a list on a "discovery" relay. Main popular discovery relays would be set by default (where communities publish discovery info to), but could be configured to other relays (if people wanted to set up custom curation relays or something.)
* Registering a domain handle (NIP-05) at the community domain can be more focused on people with relay moderation roles, or just people who really for some reason want that community to be their whole identity (i don't personally get that, which is why mastodon is not for me)
* Communities could work independently of the aggregator app(s) If people just wanted to visit the domain to post (from any NIP-05)