
@ fiatjaf
2024-01-14 13:55:28
# LessPass remoteStorage
[LessPass](https://www.lesspass.com/) is a nice idea: a password manager without any state. Just remember one master password and you can generate a different one for every site using the power of hashes.
But it has a very bad issue: some sites require just numbers, others have a minimum or maximum character limits, some require non-letter characters, uppercase characters, others forbid these and so on.
The solution: to allow you to specify parameters when generating the password so you can fit a generated password on every service.
The problem with the solution: it creates state. Now you must remember what parameters you used when generating a password for each site.
This was a way to store these settings on a [remoteStorage](https://wiki.remotestorage.io/Apps) bucket. Since it isn't confidential information in any way, that wasn't a problem, and I thought it was a good fit for remoteStorage.
Some time later I realized it maybe would be better to have a centralized repository hosting all weird requirements for passwords each domain forced on its users, and let LessPass use data from that central place when generating a password. Still stateful, not ideal, not very far from a centralized password manager, but still requiring less trust and less cryptographic assumptions.
- <https://github.com/fiatjaf/lesspass-remotestorage>
- <https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/lesspass-remotestorage/>
- <https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/lesspass-remotestorage/aogdpopejodechblppdkpiimchbmdcmc>
- <https://lesspass.alhur.es/>
## See also
- [hledger-web](nostr:naddr1qqyrsefkvvck2efkqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823cffvz7c)
- [TiddlyWiki remoteStorage](nostr:naddr1qqyxxve4x33nqerrqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823cat32d3)