
@ Bill Cypher
2025-03-12 13:46:53
Radio waves are just light you can't see because you have no sensor in your body for light waves that size. They are too low frequency for you to sense. Size and frequency are connected because light always moves at the speed of light. That means you can always know wave size from frequency and frequency from wave size. Among people in the industry and hobby of RF people often talk about a transmission by wavelength instead of frequency.
WiFi is a 5 inch long wave which can be blocked by water. The things you encase your brain in like skin and bone are mostly water and they block signals very well. Nothing with a wave shorter than about 2" is useful for wireless communications.
Higher than wireless communications frequencies we have heat, also light but you use a different sensor on your body so you call it a different thing.
Above that frequency is visible light, you have eyeballs for this one.
Above that frequency is ultraviolet, then you finally get to waves small enough to interact with your cells internals. Now you have risk. Skin cancer here and higher frequencies are where you see radioactive things that cause other issues.
Sound is lower frequency than most radio but sound is a pressure wave not a frequency of light.
Because RF is closest in size to heat, at really high exposure levels you can get burnt. It is the same kind of burn as touching the stove. No pocket electronics have enough power to do that.
TLDR, do you feel heat coming off the antenna? Not the battery, the antenna. If no, you are fine. The only real risk is that your balls are very sensitive to heat. If you work around higher power gear like working on radio towers a lot it is possible to be temporarily sterilized.