@ dworis 💀 No Good Kid
2025-01-22 17:08:44
## 💀 Introducing No Good Kid
After 15 years of working as a graphic designer, marketer, and brand therapist, I recently started to feel the urgency to start a project of my own.
I feel out of tune with the state of mainstream marketing today—sterile aesthetics, overstated presentations, and endless battle for attention on centralized social media.
So, I’m introducing No Good Kid. And as you can guess from the title, No Good Kid targets both creators and audiences who don’t exactly fit the status quo.
No Good Kid is the creative’s alter ego. It’s an identity that can be shared and serves as a label under which we can collaborate to create cool projects.
## 🪩 What is it?
I think of it as an identity—the creative’s alter ego, if you will—that can be shared among creators and serve as a label under which we can collaborate and create.
And the result can be anything, from a marketing campaign to original music production. There are no borders. If the party is right, anything can happen.
In the spirit of gamma personalities, there will be no agency, leader, or hierarchy.
My hope is that the projects will reflect values such as freedom and solidarity. But it’s entirely up to the creators.
Feel free to use the No Good Kid identity, share your project, or reach out if I can help.
## 🔥 Projects released so far
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/9eba693703b32501b8923dd7681cc741a611f4a37d62c8daf119604e358e1ccc.jpg">
### whistleblower10
In 2024, I crafted a campaign for Amnesty International CZ which led to Amnesty accepting Bitcoin donations for a limited time.
[whistleblower10 website→](https://whistleblower10.xyz/)\
[project design→](https://dribbble.com/shots/25151791-whistleblower10-Amnesty-International-CZ)<br>
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/aa5a200a87d8558a0b3bc05d67886e76674de6b54c3e54a3d98fe12f203443a5.jpg">
### The Nocoiner Syndrome
By the end of last year, The Nocoiner Syndrome was published by Institute of Cryptoanarchy—a research paper written by Peter Horváth that rebutted the ECB’s statement about Bitcoin being on “the road to irrelevance.”
[Institute of Cryptoanarchy website→](https://cryptoanarchy.institute/)\
[project design→](https://dribbble.com/shots/25151801-The-Nocoiner-Syndrome-Institute-of-Cryptoanarchy)
## ☮️ Vision
There is no need to place a label on this project. I want No Good Kid to be a tool to connect beliefs and hopes with skills in the name of freedom.
Let me know what you think of the idea, or if you have a project in mind.
Be well, and stay no good.
dworis 💀
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