
@ Vikingarna1990
2025-03-06 10:13:00
"You've never seen this "chosenite" in your life, have you?
It's okay! We now present your J-history lesson of the day!
This is Samuel Pallache (L.A.), of the eminent, Ladino-tongued, Yahoudi family of the Iberian Peninsula--which dominated Sephardic Jewry's upper echelons in Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, Portugal, Spain & the Netherlands from the 1500s to the 1900s. There's even a monument dedicated to Haim Pallache (L.A.), Izmir's former Chief Rabbi, in the Tumor's "Bnei Brak" colony.
Rabbi Samuel is historically infamous for being a pirate for hire. The Dutch colonialist regime would pay him to attack the Spaniard colonialist regime, & after pillaging sites he had subverted, he'd then dress up as a Spaniard merchant & sell the stolen goods in various Spaniard seaports.
In other words... He was a false flag terrorism pioneer.
Verily, long before Mossad, there was Samuel Pallache.
7/7. 9/11. 26/11. 3/11. These Jewish ops are all rooted in Pallache's actions.
The more you know, eh?"