2025-01-18 11:35:21
I almost wish that our Lord and Savior's short period of mortality had taken place after the invention of the automobile because a substantial part of good driving involves practicing the Golden Rule and humanity could use some modern examples.
I can sympathize with the guy behind me whose specific serving of today's sh!t-sandwich leads him to view his time as being more valuable than anyone else's. Likewise, I also sympathize with the poor sap who sold his soul to a bank for a home mere feet from a quiet residential street which has now become a major thoroughfare to the new Walmart.
If I as an adult express reservations about cycling or walking the streets of my community for fear of being turned into a hood ornament by an opioid addict or distracted driver, I've probably forfeited at least some of my right to complain that "kids today spend all of their time staring at screens instead of going outside."
One thing I have noticed over the years is that my county seems to lose more of its passing zones with every refresh of its yellow pavement lines. These things were everywhere when I was a kid. Even where they didn't exist, adults knew how/when to safely pass (or overtake) in a no-passing zone and weren't afraid to do so. Today, one needs to slow to 10 MPH, activate his flashers and deploy a smoke grenade before the guy behind him will work up the courage to just go around.