@ kepford
2024-06-25 15:28:01
Lately it seems like I keep noticing people that are sympathetic to anarchism and libertarian ideas completely misunderstanding governance. It really seems like this might be one of the biggest mental blocks people have. I wonder if it is mostly the fault of libertarians and anarchists.
Those in the liberty movement (broadly) rant and demonize the government. This is completely justified. I've done it for years. I've noticed that more experienced communicators will tend to say "The State" instead of government. Years ago I heard someone explain how to think about three terms often used incorrectly.
* The country is the land
* The nation is the people
* The state is the government
I don't recall learning this in school. It is possible it was in a textbook but I doubt it. The country part I think most people do get. Nation less so. The best example of a nation without a country are Native Americans. Tribes are nations without a country (their historical lands). Tribes have their own governments and a certain amount of sovereignty in the lands they are allowed to inhabit.
The state is the word that I have found most people are confused about. People used to tell me, you hate the government so much. Why don't you leave. Well, I don't hate the nation(people) or the country(land). It is the governance system I hate. I don't even hate the people that are working in it.
Its funny to me that people on the red or blue team seem to hate the government when their side isn't in power but if someone points to issues in the system itself, well that's just crazy.
So what about those people that are sympathetic to libertarian values? Many of them say things like this. Well, I agree with you on taxes and the corruption of the government. But you always need a government. My usual response is yes. You do need governance. But you don't need a state or government. My home is governed by my wife and I. Businesses have their own governance models. Bitcoin does as well. But we do not need a single entity with a monopoly on violence.
So why is there so much confusion on this topic? I think there are two reasons.
The first is ignorance. The state of the world is largely invisible to most people. We are purposely kept ignorant of how our world works. The State isn't really discussed as a separate entity from the country and nation.
The second reason for the confusion is how libertarians and anarchists communicate. There are some that just foolishly believe people do not need governance. Honestly in my experience they are either just young or do not think deeply enough. They haven't steel manned their arguments yet. In my experience this is a small percentage of people though.
I think people in the liberty movement just need to do a better job communicating ideas. Instead of saying we need to get rid of the government one might say we need to get rid of the state. Another way to lead into this is to speak about the empire vs. the government. Talk about the monopoly which the state holds. How competition leads to better outcomes vs. monopoly.
What do you think? Have you noticed this hurdle as well? I think many people hear good ideas and agree but assume we are just dummies that believe in a fairy tale.
If private or decentralized governance is interesting to you, you might enjoy reading [Chaos Theory](https://cdn.mises.org/Chaos%20Theory_2.pdf) by Bob Murphy. Its short and answer many common objections to private governance.