
@ Dissident Sound
2025-03-06 15:19:45
"becoming successful early on in life can be a curse because you never learn the value of hard work" - Robert Greene
this actually happened to me. i naturally excelled at everything so my expectation for life was i would never have to lift a finger and everything would be handed to me on a silver platter. i really believed this. i thought everybody would recognize me as their g-d and bow down to me. that came back to bite me in the ass big time.
it was only much later that i learned Americans have a culture of struggle, hard work etc. coming from USSR we never had that. everybody just did what they were naturally inclined to and everyone was paid the same. nobody had goals, there was no such thing as overtime etc.
a doctor in USSR was respected not for having money or for struggling through medical school but simply for being smart and for being valuable to society. i expected to be treated like that myself and never expected to have to actually DO ANYTHING to get that respect.
i was in for a rude awakening ...
in America everyone is assumed to be equal to the point where IQ testing children in school is illegal. nobody cares how smart you are - only how much money you have. and to have money you need to work or at least put in effort or at least you must want to have money.
fucking sick degenerate society. i hate it. but as long as we are stuck in here we have to play by the rules: work hard, get knocked down, get up and keep going. harder. it's stupid but life is stupid in general.
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