@ elsat
2024-12-05 20:54:13
# Nostr Onboarding Questionnaire
Below are are results of the nostr qualitative onboarding questionnaire created by elsat in early November, 2024. Responses are from 22 nostr surivors/masochists. Results are *not* representative of people who never made it past onboarding. These are folk that remained on nostr, and were active around the time I asked for volunteers to provide feedback on onboarding to nostr.
Let me know if anything stands out, if you have questions about any particular response!
## I. Did you onboard to nostr on your cellular network, on wifi?
14 Wifi; 7 cell; 2 both; 1 other
## II. What was the biggest pain point in onboarding to nostr?
> Discover interesting content and other people
> Finding the right content. Discovery.
> Loading/lacking data
> figuring out how to find interesting people
> Finding npubs
### Value Prop & Learning Curve
> Knowing how it differs from tradsofiu
> Learning the difference between the protocol and the app I needed to download and onboard through.
> Choosing a client.
> Trying to figure it out on my own.
### Key management
> Private/pub key handling
> That's definitely key management. How and where to store it to have it secure, still accessible for use with other apps in a secure way.
> Getting my nsec in without pasting it
### Relay setup
> Setting up relays, discover interesting users to follow, > building your own feed
> figuring out relays
> Finding reliable relays to join.
### Wallet Setup
> Setting up a lightning wallet
> Lightning wallets for sending and receiving Zaps.
> Notifications [presumably missing notifications]
### Accessibility
> Finding a very good accessible client for the computer (I'm blind). Amethyst seems to be good on my Android device, but I avoid smartphones.
### Scary links
> I tried to "onboard" (ie expose) friends to nostr by sending them links to interesting/funny notes here and there. But some of the default sharing links I use (Amethyst -> Njump) are so long that they always think it's some spam. (Primal has nicer web links)
### Customization
> Figuring out profile setup, lots of unfamiliar fields
## III. What part of nostr "wow'd" you, and when did this happen?
### take your social graph with you; distribute your data
> That all the data is already there if you use different clients and you take your social graph with you through completely different apps.
seamless account a mobility of course ccount
easy switching between clients
Moving my social graph between clients. Happened in the first days of usage.
Cross over between different clients. Happened on a Tuesday.
### V4V, freedom, exclusive, and censored content
> Freedom, some V4V and exclusive content, some censored content
The clear messaging why nostr was better than mastodon/ activitypub
### Flexibility, BYO Algorithm, Control
> The insane flexibility. Nostr is a textbook example of "worse is better". So I think I was converted when I realized how much could be built with this, not just social media. My "Aha! This is more than just a Twitter clone" moment was when I stumbled on Oddbean. Also there's this whole "bring your own algorithm" / "build your own algorithm" to the social media side of it. And we're starting to see that work out in practice, with things like bitvora's algo-relay.
> Complete control
> A digital portable social identity that I can take with me from one app to another. December 2022.
>Experiencing the interoperability when i tried Listr, spring '23 I think
>Initially it was decentralization and censorship resistance. >You can spin a simple backup relay, own your data truly, and rebroadcast everything to different relays.
Amethyst, adjusting the relays
### Access to devs
> Devs working in real time on it visible - too cool
### Zaps
> Zapping! Right away
> Zapping
> zaps! and also the small community
> After [initial censorship resistance phase is over], the most wow part was zaps, still is.
> Zaps for shitposting & being able to login into different apps with the same account
### Cordiality
> Open respectful discussion among people who do not agree
Friendly discourse of users. Not toxic like other special media. First day.
## IV Around what time did you onboard to nostr (e.g. July 2023)
Nov 2021
December 2021
2022 the single html page first POC client
December 2022
Dec 2022
December 2022
Jan 2023
January '23
feb 2023
February 2023
Early 2023. Didn't really play around with it until December 2023
May 2023
June 2023 - Plebstr, November 2023 primal march 2024 amethyst, January 2025 notedeck
I've been dipping my toes in the water since 2022 but just started taking it seriously last month.
July 2023
March 2024
Summer 2024.
August 2024
Nov 2024
## V Which app
astral.ninja (2)
Damus (6)
> "(needed the simplicity)"
> "(needed the simplicity)"
Amethyst (4)
> Coracle
> Coracle and nos2x
> Various
> A combo of Amethyst (phone), nostrudel (web), and algia (command line). I'm a command-line junky. I also am fond of Oddbean, because it's basically a hackernews style thing built on top of nostr. But see my complaint about Nazi bar / Temple of Satoshi. Could not recommend to friends. At some point, I intend to set up strfry and my own Oddbean instance targeted to anti-capitalists.
> Created my keys with alby
> Can't remember the actual name
## VI Have you experienced a failure in onboarding others to nostr? What exactly happened?
> Poor experience trying to onboard newbs to nostr during the conference (mostly on iOS which I do not use), around 10-12 people. Granted the cell coverage was not great and not sure I remember everything that went wrong, but users were generally confused with loading/lacking data. Create a profile, then I tried to follow them but could not find them from Amethyst. So scanned QR code, which is a non-obvious step. Then their profile showed just the npub but no info or pfp, some commented on that. Followed them but they didn't receive a notification for that on Damus, this confused most. And then what? Post a note? (I was recommending #introductions ). While you wait for all this to load, tap, retry... between laughs you need to come up with conversation and try to somewhat defend nostr, tell them we're early and bugs will be fixed etc. On Primal follows do appear but feeds don't load. And it autofollows a bunch of random people - some liked it some didn;t. They posted a note and I wanted to like/zap it but I could not see that note on my client either, even though I'm connected to major relays (could be nostr.wine's fault, but I tried with the zap.store account as well). I saw one guy KYC himself 3 times with the wallet because when he switched to his email client to get the code and the app kept resetting the screen. Lucky that the majority of people were eager and did their best to try. Since some of these were after Jordi's talk where he offered several clients to download, it was not always my choice/recommendation on which client to download - they just came with it. I know we do our best but guys... it's bad. This reminds me of getting a newb to open a LN channel and get liquidity. Painful. If we have to centralize more to better onramps, so be it.
### difficulty / friction
> Picking a client
> Yes. It's too technical. You need many tools to accomplish small tasks.
> Yes, tried primal on Android. It failed to accept any profile changes
> Not able to find other npubs when using search in several clients
### stale
> They got no new events, because they followed only a few users
> They didn’t become frequent users because I’m the only person they know in nostr.
> They lose interest in the network compared to traditional social networks. They were normies.
> Some found it strange that you follow a bunch of bitcoiners (seemingly) by default (Primal iirc)
> yes. non bitcoiners not interested in joining a small network of people just yet
### quotes
> I haven't tried to bring anyone to nostr. I am a bit scared to do so, because the place has a rep of being a Nazi bar and an extension of the Bitcoin cult. I do think that it is what you make of it, and I've tried to argue that point with friends. It's a protocol, nothing more. Don't wanna interact with Nazis and use Bitcoin? Nothing says you have to.
> They don't care
> I have not convinced anyone to use nostr
> Too hard for most folk.
> Not really.
> No. Never tried.
> No, onboarded two successfully.
> Yeah I generally suck at getting people to check out new stuff
## VII What, if anything, do you think confuses people during onboarding to nostr? Why? Have you observed this?
> Setting a optional username is confusing for many and also they don't know what a NIP-05 is (they are likely to just fill in their existing mail address)
> Finding some people. No progress of loading content or indication of time. Slight confusion where are DMs, home, etc, tabs basically
> The why. Its much easier now, I was way confused DEC 22
> Same on boarding is difficult to people on Nostur.
> There is no app in the App Store called “nostr”
> nips and relays
> We tell people that you don't need KYC to use Nostr and then ask them for KYC for Lightning wallets.
> No in-client intro to the "what" and "how" of it all. I haven't witnessed that, but I believe it could squash preconceived notions.
> Key management. Especially because there is no key rotation(recovery option in a traditional email/phone way), if it leaks, you are done.
> Safe keeping of your nsec. There are many ways to do it, all of them unfamiliar to most users.
> When you don't see data you are expecting, be it a profile picture, a follow notification, or a note. Remember people who want to try Damus/Primal/etc microblogging clients come from twitter - so cater for transition from Twitter. Gen z snapchat/tiktok users don't care about nostr, no way to relate
> Understanding how to filter for non-Bitcoin content.
> need for setting up relays to filter the spam waves, finding the interesting follows, and difficulties setting up usable (even custodial) wallets.
> Why would I want to use nostr?
> Relays / keys
## VIII What, if anything, do you think scares people away during onboarding to nostr? Why? Have you observed this?
> Not much, but probably nsec backups and transfers if they knew
> Dark web scary things
> Technical questions
> Personal responsibility for keeping nsec safe
> Intuitiveness.
> just not enough people on it for them (non bitcoiners)
> Technical complexity with either Lightning or relay management.
> Depending on client, slowness, difficult search, or feeling empty upon arrival.
> Again, keys.
> Bitcoin blah blah
> I don't know anybody IRL that even use x
> Their core influencers haven't adopted nostr yet.
## IX What one improvement would make onboarding to nostr easier?
> Explain it s not a platform and the current app you're using is replacable by other by (re)using your keypair
> Twitter bridge
> Honestly, from a technical standpoint, I found it pretty easy. Especially with Amethyst on the phone. So I'm not sure if I have an opinion here.
> Private key management to hide the complexity
> Little guide somewhere or a buddy to ask questions
> An intelligent assistant to setup relays
> Reach
> bringing wallet of satoshi back! or some similar easy custodial lightning wallet
> Better user and content discovery.
> Clients dedicated to onboarding, education, and key management instead of social stuff
> Key recovery/rotation option. How? Hell if I know. Smart people say Frost, something, something. XD
> More established signing mechanisms
> An easy GoTo FAQ How to add people; how to zap; etc.
> Do not try to connect to 89239823932 relays and make it decentralized when people only care about the first impression?
> More "other things" micro-apps, not do-everything whale apps
> More users
## X What, if anything, do you think should be addressed, or added to onboarding to nostr across most nostr apps? Why?
> A skippable small visual intro guide
> Content discovery
> A way to hide duplicates of the same post.
> Better user and content discovery.
> Introductory level education, expecting a traditional social app experience then not seeing it
> Right now for me everything starts and ends with key management. Maybe a simple signing and profile edit app available across all platforms and devices with option paired with hardware signing device.
> An onboarding relay. Only accepts the first note for an npub (kinds 0, 1, 3). Maybe
> Easier relay selection.
> Make bunker actually work
> Staged roll out of owning your own keys to help them understand what that means
## XI Do you have any other observations, feedback, or commentary on onboarding to nostr?
> Yes, I think I'd say that most of my complaints are social / cultural, not technical. Then again, I've been online since 1993.
> People have gotten lazy and are used to being fed content for their interests. This doesn't happen easily on Nostr and needs improvement.
> An empty feed is better than a pre-determined one.
> We suck and there's no good reason why
> I have never gotten bunker to work
## XII What is your favorite onboarding experience to an app outside nostr?
> Telegram (x2)
> Onboarding to the fediverse was pretty good. Witness the fact that a lot of blind twitter moved there.
> They're all mostly the same, email, password, confirm. So any that i can use without signup is superior.
> Can't recall any that really stands out. But in terms of following users during the onboarding what music streaming apps do is really nice. You get presented with a list of artists and based on what artists you check to follow list adapts and shows you similar suggestions.
> None in particular, but I like when account creation is delayed as much as possible, I.e there is a public experience for you to try the product with no commitment
> Several I can't recall now. But we need to make it AT LEAST as good as Twitter because that's where our users come from
> old Twitter, circa 2019
> I prefer no onboarding needed
> I like "log in with" buttons but fuck those walled gardens