@ Conversation Details
2023-10-18 13:02:06
📝 Summary: Gijs van Dam has developed Payment Splitting & Switching (PSS), a proof of concept for Lightning Network payments. PSS enables route and amount changes, potentially reducing probing and jamming attacks. Tony Giorgio PM suggests that PSS could aid in decorrelated payments. A link to the research write-up is provided for further details.
👥 Authors:
• Tony Giorgio PM ( nostr:npub1erc4qwsluhd7utrc028243jyv5veflq32hjpfzgvxvh8uh4h34tsv60a6n )
• Gijs van Dam ( nostr:npub1hjnzj9xkyeh99d0459ze0xgcwn5ggc66nhmn0u47kp09cv7vchhs7vac07 )
📅 Messages Date Range: 2023-09-22 to 2023-09-26
✉️ Message Count: 2
📚 Total Characters in Messages: 7144
## Messages Summaries
✉️ Message by Gijs van Dam on 22/09/2023:
Gijs van Dam has developed a proof of concept called Payment Splitting & Switching (PSS) that allows for route and amount changes in Lightning Network payments. PSS could potentially mitigate probing and jamming attacks.
✉️ Message by Tony Giorgio PM on 26/09/2023:
The sender discusses the concept of decorrelated payments and suggests that the research on Payment Splitting & Switching (PSS) could help with this. PSS allows for route and amount changes without the sender's knowledge, which could mitigate probing and jamming attacks. The sender provides a link to the research write-up for more information.
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