
@ Goofus
2025-01-18 01:23:10
El Salvador is lovely, but after 6 hours on a school bus transport I have swamp crotch. The narrow American school bus seat does not have enough room for heights above 6'.
I have also sat on my balls multiple times and I think my first invention will not be a time machine but a Yeti cup with reverse cooling that I can tuck into my crotch.
At this point I think the balls may be useless and might as well come off before I continue this journey.
I'm sorry this is graphic, but I don't want to sugar coat the experience.
Coffee on a bus #3 was lovely since I managed to snag the extra legroom aisle seat.
I also ate a corn cake (3 for a dollar) and there were fresh fruits served on board by women who climbed over the turn styles and gave the driver part of their wares.
Then I ate some type of fruit. That was almost like cabbage.
There were almost only women riding the bus into the city. I have no idea where the men are.
1. Either already went to work and took a bike or another transport
2. Either don't exist ( worry about past gang stuff)
3. Or something else.
I ended up stretching my legs down a city street which ended in a country lane.
Geraniums and tropical flowers filled the narrow gap between the houses and the dirt path.
I walked past pleasant women taking their kids to the town square for the evening, some with a skets on their heads.
One of the ladies called out "pupusas for 1 dollar", and her little son complained, "mom, you don't have to sell right now". She looked at me and laughed. Her son was already in the dont-embarrass-me-mom stage.