@ Fervid Fables
2025-03-14 17:56:59
Missed Episode 1? Read it here:
Episode 2: The Oath Breaker
The Guardians held the doors open for Rein, their silent presence pressing in on her as she stepped into the lobby of the Judgment House. The vast space was unnervingly still—not a single soul stirred, a stark testament to the city’s near-total eradication of crime.
Along the foyer wall, portraits of men and women—emblems of the empire’s unwavering authority—watched from gilded frames. Rein averted her gaze, though she could not ignore the most imposing of them all: the Chief Justice, his stern expression looming from above, a shadow of power cast over the proceedings.
A door creaked open.
A priest entered with his arms spread wide as if to embrace her. “My child,” he said with a raspy ancient voice.
Rein looked around to see if, just maybe, there had been someone else in the room she hadn’t noticed.
The priest brought a hand over his heart and said, “Miss Lancer, your transgressions have led you on a wayward path away from Chronos.”
The priest’s words raised the hairs on the back of Rein’s neck as she imagined what life outside of Aurial would be like. She imagined the howling of the beasts who lived beyond the confines of the empire, their echoing cries growing ever closer.
The priest made a sign of blessing over her. "May Chronos grant you forgiveness." Rein knew the customary gesture and benediction would not spare her if she was found guilty. The Holy Order would strip her of her place in the empire of God.
“Come now, you have been blessed in Chronos’ name. It is time for the Hand of Judgment.”
With a final gesture, he beckoned her forward.
The halls of marble and glass stretched ahead; silent, empty.
Still, not a soul stirred.
The priest stopped before a door. He inhaled deeply, then knocked.
"Enter," came the voice of the Hand of Judgment.
The priest inclined his head, pushing the door open.
A single strip of blue carpet carved a path down the otherwise empty courtroom, leading to a steel pedestal. Rein’s pedestal.
At the far end of the chamber, the Hand of Judgment sat behind a marble desk so seamlessly fused with the floor it seemed like an extension of it.
Rein stepped to the pedestal. Behind the Judge, a narrow window
let a single beam of morning light cut through the gloom.
As if God Himself were watching.
She could almost picture her colleagues back at the precinct, watching the trial unfold on their screens. Were they whispering? Shaking their heads? Switching the channel between her trial and the burning ruins of Orion Dome?
She tightened her grip on the pedestal. She would not break.
The Judge flicked two fingers at the hologram hovering before him, scrolling through his notes. He cleared his throat.
"Good morning, Miss Rein Lancer." His voice was low, deliberate. "It is under unfortunate circumstances that we meet today. Your colleagues have worked tirelessly to put together a motive and make sense of the evidence present during your arrest, and I must say, you have presented me with a peculiar case.”
He leaned forward, his red eyes narrowing. “The empire has long combated the dark lord beyond the confines of civilization, but only recently has it come under attack from within. Upon graduating from the police academy, you took an oath to keep this empire void of sin. Yet, two weeks ago, today, you broke that oath by laying siege to God’s trust. You’ve extinguished the flame of life from eighteen souls—one of whom, I am most distraught to say, was your father.”
Rein felt her breath waiver, the words struck harder than a punch to the gut.
Beside her, the priest silently traced a benediction across his forehead.
The judge’s voice grew more solemn. “Indeed, your victims were enemies of the state. However, the law is clear. Your oath of office strictly forbids the taking of lives. That duty falls to the Guardians and to them alone.” The Judge pointed a thick finger at Rein and continued, “You chose to take matters into your own hands and that is why you have presented me with such a peculiar case. In all your sessions of interrogation, you have denied participating in the rebellion. Miss Rein Lancer, do you stand by your denial this morning?”
Rein’s grip tightened around the cold steel of the pedestal. “I do.”
“Very well,” the Judge intoned. “Though the law decrees that no terrorist shall receive a fair trial, your denial of rebellion and your history as a detective grant you this proceeding today. However, you are not entitled to a jury. I alone will review the evidence and render the final verdict.”
He flicked his hand. A hologram shimmered to life beside Rein, forming the image of a woman in a sharp suit. "Your defense shall be presented based on evidence gathered at the scene of the crime and any data retrieved from the Hive of Information."
Another motion. A second hologram materialized, a suited man beside the Judge. “The prosecutor will do the same. Miss Lancer, you will speak only when addressed. Let the AIs present the facts for and against you. We begin with the defense.”
The defense AI nodded, offering Rein a reassuring smile before stepping forward. Soft light pulsed from the corners of the courtroom, casting faint flickers in Rein’s periphery as the spectral figure raised her hands to the Judge. “Your Honor, few Aurilians have demonstrated the level of sacrifice and dedication to the empire as Miss Rein Lancer. Before we review the evidence, allow me to establish just how indispensable she has been to Roxis.”
Were it not for her translucent shimmer, the AI could have passed as human. She lowered her hands, casting Rein another gentle look before continuing.
“Rein was recruited into the Police Academy straight out of high school, graduating top of her class. She took her oath, earned her detective’s badge, and became instrumental in transforming Roxis into a city virtually free of crime.
“It is common knowledge that Roxis is one of the safest cities in the empire, but wealth breeds demand and with demand comes the smuggling of illicit substances. While drug production within city limits has been all but eradicated, criminals continue to funnel narcotics in from the crime-ridden outskirts of the empire.
“Your Honor, I urge you to keep this in mind: Rein Lancer was pivotal in the capture of the infamous Dust Brothers, a drug-running duo who plagued this city for years. Since their incarceration nearly a decade ago, Roxis has seen little to no major smuggling operations. furthermore, she has thwarted multiple terrorist plots. Including the arrest of a Black Hand rebel leader, Hailard Mulnix, just last month. I urge you to consider, why would she, after years of unwavering service, suddenly turn against the empire she swore to protect?”
The Judge nodded. “Thank you. Now, the prosecution.”
The prosecutor remained motionless until the defense AI returned to Rein’s side. Then, with a calculated gesture, he slicked back his hair and stepped forward. “I will be conducting biometric scans to detect any falsehoods in Miss Lancer’s statements.” His gaze locked onto Rein. “State the crimes for which you stand trial.”
Rein gripped the steel pedestal, carefully measuring her words. “I am on trial for the murder of a rebel cell found here in Roxis.”
*“Murder,”* the prosecutor echoed, his inflection laced with implication. “How many people did you murder?”
“I did not murder anyone.”
“How many people are you accused of murdering?”
A muscle in Rein’s jaw tensed. “Eighteen.”
“Among the deceased on the 14th day of Juelz, in the year of our Holy Lord Chronos 4010, was your father one of them?”
Rein braced herself. “Yes.”
“Was it by your hand that eighteen Aurilians were slain?”
She exhaled sharply. “You’ve already asked me that question.”
The Judge interjected. “It has been reworded to clarify biometric scans. Your cooperation will ensure accurate results.”
Rein’s voice barely rose above a whisper. “No, it was not by my hand.”
The Hand of Judgment remained unreadable, his red eyes unblinking as he observed her.
Then, the prosecutor summoned a hologram beside his spectral image. “Your Honor, I present video footage of Rein Lancer sharing a meal with her partner at the time, David Patridge. This was recorded the very night of Hailard Mulnix’s arrest. While it is true, Miss Lancer played a role in capturing the Black Hand leader, this footage reveals the catalyst behind her treasonous shift.”
Rein’s throat went dry as the video flickered to life. Taken from an overhead security camera, it captured her at a diner, laughing with David. She swallowed hard. The warmth in his smile pulled at something deep within her, even now.
The prosecutor raised a hand, amplifying the volume of the conversation taking place in the video.
> “He spent his whole life worrying about me,” Rein’s voice rang throughout the courtroom, “and now here I am, telling him to do the dishes!”
> David chuckled, wiping his mouth with a napkin before leaning back in the booth. “Since he got back from Elius, you’re all he talks about. I have to remind him I work with you. Sometimes, I’d rather not hear about you at all.”
> “Stop,” Rein had said playfully, dimples flashing in the grainy footage. “I know you have a crush on me. You’d kill to hear more about me.”
> David smirked. “Crush? On you? Nah.” His eyes flicked downward. “I prefer women with a little more chest than me.”
> Rein retaliated by flinging a spoonful of food at him, barely missing his face. David laughed, shaking his head. “You’re cleaning that up.” He crouched around the side of the table and slid into the booth beside Rein, his tone turning serious. “What about your father? Any luck finding a job?”
> Rein’s recorded smile faltered.
> David continued, “It’s been weeks. I know he’s proud, but I bet we could find something for him at the precinct.”
> “I already offered. He won’t accept a handout.”
> “Is that what he called it?”
The prosecutor froze the image and turned to Rein. “Tell us more about this moment, Miss Lancer.”
Rein exhaled slowly. “There must be hundreds of recordings of me in the Hive. You couldn’t find another one?”
The AI’s unblinking stare was eerily hollow.
Rein cleared her throat, suppressing her unease. “What exactly do you want to know?”
“How long had your father been living with you since his return from Elius?”
She hesitated, recalling events at work to pinpoint the timeline. “He returned in the second week of Apaul. By the time of this recording, it had been nearly three months.”
“Why did he go to Elius?”
She shook her head. “He never said.” She lied, leaving out what she had learned the night he died. She wouldn't dare mention the letter he left behind. “I assume it was business. Elius has been heavily recruiting Roxian investors to fund manufacturing efforts. Why else would he go?”
The prosecutor leaned forward slightly. “In the three months he was staying with you, he never once mentioned his dealings in Elius?”
“Was it not your job to dig deeper?”
The defense AI stepped in. “Your Honor, emotional rhetoric should not factor into your deliberation. This case must be judged on facts alone.”
The Judge lifted a hand. “Noted. Prosecutor, reduce unnecessary rhetoric.”
The AI inclined his head. “Yes, Your Honor.” Then, he turned back to Rein. “The facts.”
The video of Rein and David in the restaurant disappeared and the image of a dark alleyway took over. It was the place where Rein and David had cornered Hailard Mulnix and his cell of terrorists. The height of the video’s vantage point made it apparent it must have been recorded by the Guardian Rein and David had called to the scene.
The prosecutor did not provide extra context for the video, he seemed to have noticed Rein’s reaction and felt there was no need and the Judge had already approved of its use so the AI turned to the holographic screen, and with the slightest movement of the index finger of his right hand started the video.
> The video’s point of view tilted to reveal Rein and David crouched behind a corner at the junction of several intersecting alleyways.
> The Guardian’s metallic voice echoed in the courtroom, “What is the enemy location?”
> Rein pointed behind her back and said, “Just down this alley here. There’s about ten of them, fully armed.”
> “Capture intent?” asked the Guardian.
> David answered quickly, “We need them alive.”
> The Guardian stared at the scene for a moment in calculation and echoed, "There is a near zero probabilty of success without casualties. I will attempt to subdue without killing any of the rebels."
> “At the very least, don’t kill Hailard,” added Rein.
> The Guardian’s vantage point hovered over the two humans for a moment then rose to the targeted alley. “Stand-by,” it said, then walked into the alley and unleashed a barrage of rubber bullets which maimed a few terrorists before they noticed what was happening.
> The terrorists scattered behind whatever cover they could find and fired back at the Guardian. Flashes briefly blinded the video footage as bullets ricocheted off the Guardian’s visual receptors, but the machine pushed forward.
> The terrorists put up a hell of a fight but within minutes all were incapacitated except Hailard who the Guardian had seized by the collar of his shirt and dragged him across the alley to where Rein and David had been taking cover.
> “Enemy incapacitated. Two rebels have a low chance for survival based on their fall trajectories. Hailard Mulnix captured. The precinct has been notified and a transport vehicle is on its way to process these criminals,” said the Guardian before it lifted Hailard and forced him to face Rein and David.
> Hailard’s bloodied face contorted in a twisted smile when he laid eyes on Rein and he said, “My God, I didn’t think it could be possible.”
> “You never thought this day would come?” asked David.
> Hailard's eyes hovered over Rein and he spat at David’s feet.
> David reeled back and said, “What the hell?”
> Hailard’s smirk fought back against an encroaching frown when he said, “You’d think rebellion would run in your blood. Look at you, after everything your parents have given to the cause, there you are tearing it all down.”
> Rein stepped closer to Hailard and repeated, “Everything my parents have given? What the hell do you know about my parents?”
> David pulled her back and said, “Don’t listen to him, Rein. That’s what these terrorists do, they try to get in your head.”
> “It’s funny how the oppressor always calls a threat to their authority terrorism.” Hailard finally turned his attention to David and said, “Soon enough that won’t matter.”
> Rein punched Hailard's stomach and the terrorist heaved but the Guardian stopped him from leaning forward. Through gritted teeth and wheezing, Hailard said, “You should investigate a little closer to home, princess. You’ll be surprised as to what you find.”
The prosecutor waved his hand, the video disappeared and he clasped his hands, laying them on his waist. “Your honor, I believe the defense was right. At one point, Rein was indeed an outstanding citizen of the Aurilian Empire, but it was on this very night that she began her path toward sin. Her partner, David Patridge, reported Rein’s habits had begun to change slightly after that night. On occasion, she would come into work late when she was historically and famously known in the precinct as always being the first to arrive for work. In addition, she would remain in the office well after working hours.”
The defense stepped into the center and pleaded, “Your honor, we’ve heard quite a bit from the prosecution. It will be prudent to discuss the evidence provided in Rein’s defense.”
Episode 3 coming soon...
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