
@ Lyn Alden
2025-03-07 06:53:50
I’ve been looking at artists for my sci fi novel potential book cover, should I somehow decide to publish it.
These things often need advance planning, if you get a really good artist.
I don’t even know if my text is good, but assuming it is, I’m looking out 6+ months for a good artist.
Luckily my business throws out enough free cash flow that I don’t care financially. I just don’t want to hurt any artists’ feelings if I don’t use their stuff.
So I’m like, debating between two great artist portfolios. Part of me wanted to hire both, and then see which turns out better. But I didn’t want to hurt eithers’ feelings. I was like “maybe whichever one is not as good could be a limited edition.”
I wanted to run it by my husband, but I already knew what he would say. And yet, I asked him, and he was like “Yeah, hire both obviously. Fucking hunger games thereafter. Pick the best.”