
@ Sober Steve
2025-03-07 06:58:49
“More female than male doctors for first time ever in the UK”.
March 6, 2024.
The above press release is from the General Medical Council. It says:
“there are now 164,440 women (50.04%) registered with a licence to practise, compared with 164,195 men (49.96%)”
One doctor is quoted as saying:
“we see huge variations in the type of medical specialties women doctors go into – the majority choosing to be a GP or paediatrician – but very few are choosing surgery. These disparities are not acceptable for career progression”
I would like to ask this doctor if the disparity in paediatrics, where 60.8% of doctors are women, is a problem.
The page briefly notes that:
“for the first time, there are more doctors from ethnic minority backgrounds than white doctors working in the UK”
At the 2021 census, 83% of the UK's population was white¹. Evidently, disparities are not a problem if they favour women or non-whites.
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_United_Kingdom#Ethnicity