
@ Accept Crypto
2025-03-09 04:15:40
It's unfortunate that you don't see the value, and utility in other cryptocurrency projects, however we will continue to list, and archive the cryptocurrency ecosystem at large, which includes your website because it is part of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
You're free to feel however you want, and you can duplicate, or fork our project if you want to but we're implementing our project for Multi-coin purposes because we believe it is the best thing for free markets, while also giving people options to utilize single coin tools as well.
If you look at our Multi-coin processor page, and compare it to the Bitcoin page, you will see the differences between the two.
Individual choice is given, for those who want to implement Multi-coin options, or Single Coin Options.
You're always free to tell us if we're missing any Bitcoin resources that you think would be beneficial to add.
Multi-coin gateways:
Bitcoin Resource Webpage: