@ Bitcoin Nora
2024-07-22 15:44:39
Was the Trump ‘assassination attempt’ a staged event that he was in on? Was it an inside job by the secret service seeking to eliminate the number one enemy of the deep state? Or was Thomas Crooks simply competent (and lucky) enough to pull off a lone-wolf attack on the 45th president of the USA?
Whatever the truth is, which will surely come out over time, the ‘shooting’ has dramatically altered the course of American politics.
The most obvious narrative shift has been Trump’s new-found God-like status among the American right. The image of Trump holding his fist in the air, right ear bloodied, while urging Americans to “fight”, symbolises this. His long-time friend and UFC chairman Dana White said in the aftermath of the ‘shooting’: “He [Trump] is one of the toughest, most resilient human beings that I have ever met in my entire life….This guy is the legitimate ultimate American badass of all-time!” In addition, a section of Trump supporters turned up to the recent Republican National Convention [wearing fake bandages](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/videos/cldy39vpv4qo) on their ears in a humorous yet sincere show of solidarity with their leader. These are just two examples among many of the relentless outpouring of adulation that Trump is receiving. He has become a martyr without having to die.
The Trump fist raise image and resulting strongman narrative is not what I will focus on, but it does provide crucial context for what I am going to say. Instead, I will look at the farcical performance of the secret service, which did not go unnoticed by social media users. Specifically, that of the female agents, and the resulting backlash against the perceived failures of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) within the US government. I will also look at why this narrative is being pushed by powerful players of the alternative-media industrial complex.
First, [footage emerged](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAtu1YU-PHo) of one female agent who struggled to holster her firearm, while looking completely disorientated, as Trump, who could have still been in danger, fled the scene in a blacked out SUV. It was reminiscent of Fredo Corleone’s bumbling efforts to save his father Vito, who faced a failed assassination attempt of his own in The Godfather 2.
Second, there is the [ridiculous still image](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=5b98f86993edd4ca&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB1069GB1069&q=trump+female+secret+service&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J_86uWOeqwdnV0yaSF-x2joQcoZ-0Q2Udkt2zEybT7HdcghX_cULItgDQ-ic0tx97HU0om4eiEoFQ7LkCUAIN0k5ckfuXbaYID2cdV_OmGsEy_vSEauNj1_Mmv2J6NjBnVEvjRAhAzO6zw58Qt0lVtZUf36m&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8_NWx5riHAxX5bEEAHROMDHIQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=1600&bih=781&dpr=1.8#vhid=k3BFXz5a0rU7wM&vssid=mosaic) of the female secret service agent standing in front of Trump by the podium in order to provide cover for the former president amid a possible active shooter situation. The image is ludicrous because the female agent is not nearly as tall as Trump, and so his head, including his ear that was just ‘clipped’ by a 'bullet', remains completely exposed.
Third, the US secret service director Kimberly Cheatle, a woman, is [ultimately responsible](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/17/us/politics/kimberly-cheatle-secret-service.html) for the ‘near-assassination’ of Donald Trump and the seemingly unlimited ‘mistakes’ made by the agency on the day. For example, Cheatle did not have a secret service gunmen on the roof used by Thomas Crooks because it was “too sloped”. An explanation that was shown to be comically bad in the immediate aftermath of the ‘shooting’ when photos emerged of cleaners standing on the roof to clear Crooks’ ‘blood’ away.
The backlash against the female agents in question has been pretty relentless from the American right. But not just from anonymous MAGA social media users. Some of the key drivers of political narratives on the right have honed in on this issue and more generally against the perceived failings of DEI.
“There should not be any women in the Secret Service. These are supposed to be the very best, and none of the very best at this job are women,” [said right-leaning activist Matt Walsh](https://x.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1812492702493057338?lang=en) in a direct response to the footage of the female secret service agents. Walsh works for The Daily Wire and rose to global prominence on the back of his documentary “What Is A Women?”. In other words, he is a key figure within the US culture war, who has a keen interest in discussions around gender.
Then there is Andrew Tate. One could have predicted where the former kickboxer was going to stand on this issue. [Tate posted a video to social media](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpw5Sm46f-4&t=44s) in which he lambasted Kimberly Cheatle and the other female secret service agents in a visibly heated manner. “There’s not a female alive who’s ever going to jump in front of a bullet for anybody. She’s gonna piss her panties and hide.” Tate carries on the rest of the video in the same vain, including a statement which in my view is a big clue about the narrative he is trying to push.
“Society as a whole will be better off if we return to our [gender] roles.”
Tate wants the secret service and the military to go back to being made up of men who are selected solely on the basis of merit. After years of military aged males being 'disenfranchised' by the institutions they once felt proud to represent - the pendulum may be about to swing back.
At this point, it is worth mentioning that I believe both Matt Walsh and Andrew Tate are intelligence assets who push agendas to the wider public on behalf of the deep state, [as Miri AF explains here](https://miriaf.co.uk/the-most-important-question-about-andrew-tate-no-one-is-asking/). It is also worth considering that these women are akin to actors who are fulfilling their roles as incompetent, further driving the narrative of Walsh and Tate. Their incompetence is not necessarily because they are women - they might just be acting like they are incapable because they are women. On the face of it, it sounds overly conspiratorial - but in my view, it is plausible.
Okay, let’s continue down this ‘conspiracy theory’ rabbit hole for a little longer. It is widely understood that intelligence agencies use terror attacks to further their insidious agendas. A clear example of this is how George Bush’s government, in conjunction with the media and the intelligence apparatus, weaponised the fear brought about by 9/11 in order to invade Iraq.
So, what is the goal of Tate/Walsh and the deep state (and possibly Trump too) in pushing back against DEI and making the secret service/military a place that ‘respects’ male competence again? The same military whose soon-to-be commander-in-chief has God-like status, is the "ultimate American badass of all time", and who ‘literally’ just ‘took a bullet’ for his country. The same military that is currently in escalating proxy wars vs Russia and Iran - neither of which look like ending anytime soon. Are American military aged males being influenced to go and fight for their country in WW3 after years of being gaslighted?
I want to state that I do not claim to know this for sure. I am stating a theory. I am asking questions that I believe need to be asked.
But I will leave you with this quote by a World War Two veteran that has been doing the rounds on social media recently.
“If president Trump was commander-in-chief I would go back to re-enlist today.” [Sgt. Bill Peril, 99, WW2 veteran. ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/rnc-trump-world-war-veteran-b2581928.html)