
@ Charles Zi Britannia
2025-03-06 13:55:51
Ordered 8 more bee nucs. 16 ordered so far. YeeYee. Gonna split them heavily and add queens right away around May 1. Should turn into 64 8 frame smol lazutin hives and 8 double deep langstroth hives heading into next winter. Should be able to populate my existing 19 layens hives with splits from my current survivor bees. Think I'll probably spend 20k this year on bee shit. Will hopefully get 10k in honey sales this fall since I have tons of empty layens comb ready. So by investing ~10K In long term credit card debt (shudder) I should have ~500 Lazutin frames filled with comb even if all the bees die next winter since their hives won't be insulated (they built out of 2x8 lumber). It takes so much honey to make a frame of comb, that comb is probably worth $50-100K. The next year they won't have to build comb, they can build up quicker and I should get a yuge honey harvest and 5-10x my investment. Measured risk I guess. Pretty sure my circuit boards will pay the credit cards all off in a few months but just thinking worst case it is still worth it.