
@ nout
2024-12-10 16:39:14
Overall this was such a great experience, but as always there are couple things that could be better. Don't hate me. Complaining about experience is in my job description.
- **Internet at feria:** There are connection issues hampering the experience for both sellers and buyers.
- Having a wifi for the sellers would greatly improve the situation - but I also understand that none of this can be imposed by outsiders - I'm happy to help [REDACTED].
- Another option is to create geyser.fund campaign specifically for this - "Get internet for bitcoin merchants at Uvita farmers market". I'm using the words in this title carefully to be catchy in the right way.
- Then one of the best ways is just get the wifi access QR code (often can be generated in the access point interface), print it and give that to the sellers. No need to hassle with the password, etc.
- **Teaching bitcoin to buyers at feria:** At the feria there were many people buying the produce that have no idea what is bitcoin. Since the ferias are the flagship experience of Bitcoin Jungle, this would be a great opportunity to teach the buyers about bitcoin.
- I think it would be great to have some (sensible) billboard/banner that explains how to use bitcoin, how to download the app, get colones on it and then pay at the feria.
- This could actually be incentivized by some campaign like "Get 5000 CRC to use at feria if you install lightning wallet for the first time" (again this could be funded by geyser campaign if you don't have funds for this). The sellers can just point to the banner if someone asks them.
- Maybe there is a chance to have a small bitcoin booth at the corner of the feria that could give away some basic printed info about bitcoin and how to use it. It could sell books (Gladstein, Lyn Alden, the El Salvador classbook, etc), some tote bags (useful for the market) or similar useful bitcoin branded merch.
- **Help all sellers accept bitcoin:** There were 2 sellers that didn't accept bitcoin and that's ok, but it would be great to mitigate the gap in experience for the buyers. One option is for the ask the seller next to them to accept the bitcoin for them and give them colones (I have seen this happen in one case - it worked great). And so this just needs a small bit of education.
- **Allow pre-configuring items in the POS:** The selers that have fixed price items (i.e. not weighted) were still adding the numbers on calculator or similar, it was a bit tricky for them, prone to mistake.
- (I haven't actually seen the Bitcoin Jungle wallet POS, so maybe this is already solved - if yes, then ignore)
- Consider providing features to pre-configure the items in the POS, so the seller can just tap on items and it adds those up. One benefit of this for the selers is that this can give them precise tracking for how many pineapples they sold, etc.
- This is something that actually works quite nicely in the Breez wallet. See the screenshot bottom right: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fcafc3cd0-adb3-47be-bdcd-9d3ba57fe967_1614x906.png
- **Keep btcmap.org up to date:** Currently I don't think https://btcmap.org/map#15/9.16567/-83.73844 lists the feria and maybe other places. This is something that many bitcoiners coming to the are will use and so keeping the btcmap.org up to date would go a long way. It's fairly simple to add new items to the map and there are many communities in each country that keep those up to date (e.g. I know people that are calling the restaurants and verifying that they still accept bitcoin).
- **Try including some ready to eat food seller at the feria:** Currently the selection of produce was nice, but one thing that was a bit missing is the one stand that sells ready to eat local food.
- This could be some sandwiches, quesadillas, etc…
- **Have a board for people offering services:** This is just an idea - not sure how well would it work and also this may already be handled somewhere else in Uvita?
- One thing that could be useful and I was actually looking for is to have some form of a big board where people can offer their services - cooking, cleaning pools, taking care of kids, fixing roofs, teaching surfing, etc. It could be a board where people can pin their notes with WhatsApp numbers like this. Do you want some work done at your house or garden? You would just come to check this board.