
@ Sacred Peak
2025-03-10 02:12:50
my baby boomer parents got their original house in the 1960s for under 15k $ CDN
they sold it for a lot bought a better one, sold that for at least 300k in the early 90s and downsized.
my husband and I started off with a house in the late 90s for way too much money and no help from either of our parents and still have a mortgage. he will be working til he is 70, at least. my parents had no mortgage by their 40s, did not help me or my brother, and wasted money on gambling trips to Nevada, the casino at home in BC, boozing, and overconsumption of everything they could. one is still alive, the other is dead.
meanwhile in the late 80s and early 90s, GenX young adults walked into a work force dominated by baby boomers who had all the jobs. many of us had to wait to get started.
It's worse for Millennials but both are suffering from the results of the most ignorant, entitled and wasteful generation.
thankfully I spent a lot of time with my grandparents and other family who were adults during the wars.
the current devaluation of money due to heavy government spending to support social programs the baby boomers set up is appalling.
I suppose I could be bitter about it but I am not. It's just the situation that we have as a result of people's choices from before. that doesn't excuse the extreme selfishness of baby boomers. it is how it looks. most of them won't admit what they have created, at least the baby boomers that I have known won't.
my grandparents on my mother's side saw the writing on the wall, spoke out about it, and warned their kids. i listened. my parents did not.
the best generation followed by the worst.
don't rely on most genXers either. most that I know are more like my parents than I ever was or will be. my genX neighbours are mostly appalling, and routinely say things like "I'd rather not know", when confronted with reality. just like their baby boomer parents.
taking responsibility is the beginning. copping to our own part we play in the world is important.
#genX #story #truth