@ YellowSeeds 🌱💛
2025-01-29 21:38:24
As part of YellowSeeds Creative Coaching and Consulting Services, one of our Seed Service is **Impactful Leadership**. Or what I like to call them **Rainbow Leaders**.
Every Services @YellowSeeds has a seed that started growing long time ago. This is the story about this one…
When I faced the challenge of taking a leadership role 10 yrs ago, I had the following questions in front of me:
🌱 How can I work out my perfectionism? I am remembered telling someone, “I don’t want to be a pain for anyone, as I did with my self always looking to be perfect”
🌱 How can I fully delegate?
🌱 How can I tune the message for each person?
I learned by doing and by taking each challenging situation as "a master Yoda" who brought something to change. I had several masters during my first years, they all were part of my first teams.
With patience, practice and not **taking anything as personal**, I started to develop what I called colors today. These are the leadership aspects I learned and they are all related to the colors.
There is a **miss conception about leadership roles**. In my career, I have seen a lot of cases where a promotion to “Manager” was a way of “awarding someone” or looking for “social status”. That easily and in just a few months become a disappointment for the person being promoted and their team.
One of the main lessons when you take a leadership role is to observe yourself a lot and be willing to change your behaviors. Most people take a leadership role and keep behaving like a team member. A leadership role requires a change in our way of thinking, speaking, doing and connecting with others.
**If you are not willing to change yourself, a lot, a leadership role might not be for you.**
**If your most deeply passion is not supporting others to grow, a leadership role might get you far away from your real passion.**
**If you are not willing to work out your Ego, a leadership role might be a waste of time for you.**
The first color I learned from was **RED**. The RED Leader inside you starts to develop when you understand that the main task you have as a leader are not associated with deliverables, your main task is connecting. You don’t do, you **connect** and **motivate**. RED color invites you to **remove fear of making mistakes** and transform them in lessons learned. You **inspire** your team **specially in those challenging moments**.
RED is the first color you choose as a Leader, when you step in into the role, not because a social/professional status, but for your real passion to help others to grow.
The second color, like in the rainbow, is ORANGE. As I said previously, connecting is your main deliverable, your main responsibility as a Leader.
You start developing the ORANGE color, when you understand that **connecting people** and **ideas is part of your role**. If you are **passionate about helping others to grow**, you are going to inspire creativity and motivation in your interactions, because that is what someone does when they do what they love. ORANGE Leaders get the teams out of they comfort zones.
The third color, I learned from was YELLOW. As a YELLOW Leader you don’t keep anything for you, you naturally share what you know.
YELLOW Leaders look for brighter team members than themselves, they feel comfortable being the one with less knowledge in the room and **promote the inner wisdom of their team** in making decisions (they don’t have to be part of all of them). If the team depends on you for all the decisions, you are creating a dependable team and that is a sign of insecurity and keeping control. YELLOW leaders have a self-secure personalities.
Another important aspect of being YELLOW as a Leader is your capability of **creating a positive environment**. Those positive teams are usually a sign of a YELLOW leader around.
The fourth color and the most important one as a leader is PINK. I will write a whole post about leadership emotional intelligence, but this is the most critical skill or color to develop as a leader.
In order **to be able to connect with your team members’ emotions, you gotta feel comfortable connecting with your own emotions first**. You can’t do to others what you can’t do for yourself.
This is the most challenging aspect leaders are experiencing today, it is hard for them to support the teams emotionally. Work used to be separated from our personal life, we were not used to show emotions at work. But with recent changes, that is one of those aspects we should be willing to observe and change.
As a PINK Leader, when **you connect with people’s emotions there is a bond between both which is hard to break**. You can easily observe your emotional connection with your leader or team under a hard personal or professional situation. Those are the signs of how emotionally connected are you.
**PINK Leaders bring mind and heart at work in a balanced equilibrium**.
The fifth color I learned from was GREEN. Some aspects of this color are related to leadership, like bringing **harmony**, **inspiring purpose** and motivate the team to **bring ideas into practical implementations**.
Harmony in your team is important. It is part of the work environment you create as a leader. If you want to observe your team harmony, review how is the work & life balance of your team members. There is no harmony when people work a lot, non stop “back to back meetings” or when they don’t take all their vacations time.
Inspiring purpose in your team members is helping them to identify what is their real purpose in life. Sometimes you might need to help them observe what they want to be doing, their purpose might be somewhere else and you might need to let them fly. If your team members has a real common purpose, they will convey a purposefully team.
Being **practical save a lot of time and effort**. Inspiring that aspect in your team will help to be efficient with your most important assets, time and team’s energy.
The sixth color I learned a lot was SKY BLUE. Communication is one of the most frequent things you do everyday. **Communication is an art,** so it takes a continuously humble practice.
The SKY BLUE leader inside you will inspire you to get your communication as transparent as possible. Communication is like water, **how healthy is the water your team is drinking?**
The seventh color I learned a lot was BLUE. BLUE Leaders has **an eye in the future**, while the team work in the present. This is an exercise you gotta do at the very beginning when you start in a leadership position. As team members we are used to work in the present moment, the present task, the transactional day, week, or month. But someone gotta be looking for next year, the next problem to solve, the next service. That is the BLUE leader.
The last color and most relevant one is VIOLET. As I said at the beginning, if you want to be a leader you gotta be VIOLET. You gotta be **willing to change yourself and drive change and transformation in your teams**.
The VIOLET Leader inspires the change agent you have inside. If change doesn’t inspire you, a leadership role might not be the right fit for you. Leadership is all about constant change.
As you can reflect, a lot of those colorful talents you are invited to develop as a leader. They are as well valuable in your personal life. **Most of the talents I learned as a leader, were useful in my person life and relationships**.
You don’t have to have all the colors to be a Leader, you might start with a few and be willing to be always evolving as a **RAINBOW Leader, an impactful one**. That is a life long challenge.
Stay colorful!
🌱 🤍💜💙💧💚💗💛🧡❤️