
@ mleku
2025-03-09 16:21:35
for me it's the case that i would probably be dead by now if it weren't for my persistent pushing towards figuring out what is going on so i can place myself properly to be able to do something useful
i mean, i've done several useful things in the past... most of the time it's just something among a very specific subculture and a very small number of people who knew about what i did, and then not long after, that whole structure was dissolved
i have learned that the hands of evil cannot touch me, and doubly so if i am bold in my steps
i think theey kinda get the clue that they can't just dice with me because i'm a slippery fish, i don't take long to figure out the game they are playing and i call them out and they are like "ok, moving right along" because if they feed me too much attention i will get a whole movement going haha