
@ TheWildHustle
2024-12-15 02:10:28
Bitcoin is a medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account. The unit of account piece really throws people through a loop.
Freaks say, but its too volatile, mimicking the financial advisors of yesteryear, not acknowledging the evident decay of their trusty accounting method, the method that dilutes your reality with the notion of inflation vs deflation. We live in a deflationary world, its only inflationary if your accounting metric sucks. If your not using bitcoin as a method to view prices, your method of viewing prices has been skewed, and skewed on purpose.
What's really interesting is how, our unit of measurement is exactly backwards. The fiat way of viewing finances is 180 degrees away from the reality of sound money price deflation that bitcoin brings. And at this point I would say that it is unstoppable. if your stacking bitcoin but pricing it in dollars and making dollar type moves, your stack will diminish due to your own inability to adapt. You'll give in to leverage schemes and strange loans, your attitude towards risk and gain will be off kilter. In a lot of cases people will fail to realize that they've already won, and now they just need to pull a satoshi, leave their life stacking to go on and do other things. We've been conditioned to be on a hamster wheel where we need to constantly think about growing our money at all cost and no matter how much we stack it will never be enough. I find bitcoin to be the exact opposite, where at some point, you might have stacked too much, you might find yourself with wealth so large that it breaks your mind, it might enlarge your ego, destroy your family. This sounds suspiciously like absolute power corrupts absolutely, which is something that I've become a bit more awry of, but to a certain extent......how much is enough anon? At what point does the ring of power consume you.
In conclusion "God Candle Approacheth"
staying humble and stacking sats, while accounting for your stack in dollars, will give those freaks a rush of exhilaration unlike any they've likely had before. They will be awash in fortunes gained through the lazy doubt of haters, they will be vindicated and in most cases the fortune that they earned will be just and because they followed truth and because they had discipline and foresight and sugar and spice, and everything nice. The acceleration from lower middle class to top 1% will be a whiplash strong enough to sway the humbleness of most men.
In conclusion again (and hopefully this is the last one)
Use bitcoin as a unit of account. You likely have already won the game. Stay humble and brace for impact on the moon.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/809878