
@ Lyn Alden
2025-03-09 20:00:10
When I was a kid, an older relative had this big rubber band ball, about the size of a softball, and I thought it was so cool, that I started my own rubber band ball.
So for years, I had this subplot of adding to my rubber band ball. It eventually became bigger than a basketball, and extremely heavy since it was dense rubber. Only unusually large rubber bands could go on it, and so tracking down hyper-sized rubber bands became a task in its own right (this was largely pre-ecommerce, 1990s, thus shopping was like hunting and gathering rather than searching and clicking). Various relatives would surprise me with like $5 packs of specialized rubber bands that they happened to run into and for me that was like an A+ gift.
I try to always focus on rekindling and/or being open to that basic sense of wonder and joy in things. A kid and her large rubber bands.
Anyway, happy Sunday.