@ Dr. Cassone
2025-01-18 23:22:00
“*My position is improper foods cause disease; proper foods cure disease. Nothing else needs to be said.*” - Dr. Bieler, author of Food is Your Best Medicine
As a holistic doctor with over 2 decades of clinical experience, I don't entirely agree with this statement. Everyday in practice, I see the extraordinary application of plant medicines and clinical nutrition in treatments of complex patterns with remarkable outcomes that go above and beyond diet, but I still very much appreciate the value of food as medicine.
### Famous Bieler Broth:
- 2 zucchinni
- 2 stalks of celery
- 1 cup of green beans
- handful of parsley
- garlic to taste
- my father made this and added butter and salt
- chop and steam with purified water until tender then blend and drink
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/dace0b10c82a312d0b8781eb5e13719a77a168d5d434579452dbea0c451772c7.png">
I was fortunate enough to treat one of Dr. Bieler’s patients for many years until he passed away in his nineties. He told me some of the famous doctor’s secrets and how patients came from all over for treatment with fantastic results. He himself was seriously ill before seeing Dr. Bieler.
## Dr. Bieler's Final Conclusions:
> “As a practicing physician for over 50 years, I have reached **three** basic conclusions as to the cause and cure of disease.
> **The first** is that the primary cause of disease is not germs. Rather, I believe that disease is caused by **toxemia which results in cellular impairment and breakdown,** thus paving the way for the multiplication and onslaught of other complications.
> **My second** conclusion is that in almost all cases **the use of drugs in treating patients is harmful.** Drugs often cause serious side effects, and sometimes even create new diseases. The dubious benefits they afford the patient are at best temporary. Yet the number of drugs on the market increases geometrically every year as each chemical firm develops its own variation of the compounds. The physician is indeed rare who can be completely aware of the potential danger from the side effects of all of these drugs.
> **My third** conclusion is that **disease can be cured through the proper use of the correct foods**. This statement may sound deceptively simple, but I have arrived at it only after intensive study of a highly complex subject: toxemia and endocrine chemistry.
> My conclusions are based on experimental and observational results, gathered through years of successfully treating patients. Occasionally I have resorted to the use of drugs in an emergency situation, but those times have been rare. Instead, I have sought to prescribe for my patients’ illnesses antidotes which Nature has placed at their disposal.” *- Dr. Bieler“*