@ Undisciplined
2024-07-20 12:15:23
*Yesterday's edition https://stacker.news/items/613971/r/Undisciplined*
* * -
### July 20, 2023 📅
### 📝 `TOP POST`
**[Frostsnap - Easy, personalized, secure bitcoin multisig for everyone](https://stacker.news/items/211803/r/Undisciplined)**
Link to https://frostsnap.com/introducing-frostsnap.html
*6034 sats \ 19 comments \ @utxoclub \ ~bitcoin*
#### Excerpt
> Check out @super_testnet's super simple Superstore: https://stacker.news/items/167945
*614 sats \ 0 replies \ @OneOneSeven*
From **[Making a Store](https://stacker.news/items/211668/r/Undisciplined)** by @Undergotten in ~nostr
2nd place **@utxoclub** (1st hiding, presumed @siggy47)
*4679 stacked \ 1826 spent \ 1 post \ 5 comments \ 0 referrals*
> everything bitcoin related
founded by @k00b on Tue May 02 2023
*48.4k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 55.2k spent \ 84 posts \ 166 comments*
### July 20, 2022 📅
### 📝 `TOP POST`
**[I'm John Cantrell, entrepreneur, spiral grantee, and creator of Sensei. AMA](https://stacker.news/items/47346/r/Undisciplined)**
#### Excerpt
> I'm @johncantrell97 and I've been working on and around Bitcoin for over a decade now. Most recently I've been working on Sensei as part of a Spiral grant.
*112.7k sats \ 54 comments \ @JohnCantrell97 \ ~bitcoin*
#### Excerpt
> "As of the end of Q2, we have converted approximately 75% of our Bitcoin purchases into fiat currency."
> Tesla didn't HODL. Or deploy as liquidity on Lightning to earn yield.
> Some just have to learn the hard way 🤷♂️ […]
*329 sats \ 4 replies \ @holzapfelbaum*
From **[Tesla Sells 75% of Bitcoin Holdings](https://stacker.news/items/47509/r/Undisciplined)** by @kr in ~bitcoin
1st place **@k00b**
*11.9k stacked \ 108.1k spent \ 4 posts \ 19 comments \ 0 referrals*
> everything bitcoin related
founded by @k00b on Tue May 02 2023
*130.5k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 140k spent \ 113 posts \ 249 comments*
### July 20, 2021 📅
### 📝 `TOP POST`
**[The Bitcoin Miners banned from China are coming back online in force, bois!](https://stacker.news/items/424/r/Undisciplined)**
#### Excerpt
> https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/bitcoin-hashrate.html
> Don't let your lettuce hands leave you with regrets. Stack those sats!
*7 sats \ 3 comments \ @03cdf4abc3 \ ~bitcoin*
#### Excerpt
> We're supposed to believe he's acting in the interest of the people to support of a censorship resistant platform for the exchange of value while not doing anything of note to further the interests of the people regarding a censorship resistant platform for exchanging words that he just happens to be the CEO of. They deplatformed the president of the united states.
*1 sat \ 1 reply \ @03cdf4abc3*
From **[Forget Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey Is the Hero Bitcoin Deserves for the Coming Years.](https://stacker.news/items/428/r/Undisciplined)** by @shawnyeager in ~bitcoin
No top stacker
> everything bitcoin related
founded by @k00b on Tue May 02 2023
*43 stacked \ 0 revenue \ 71 spent \ 9 posts \ 14 comments*
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/615090