@ jb55
2024-07-05 18:28:20
Hey guys!
Here's our Q3-Q4 report. There was some confusion with the timing of the previous quarters so we've accumulated everything since the Q2 report (March 2nd, 2024) into this one. Enjoy!
# Damus OpenSats Q3-Q4 Progress Report
The third and fourth quarter of the initial Damus OpenSats grant encompasses work done across many of the active projects being worked on at Damus HQ. Here's a quick overview of the progress made across the organization:
## nostrdb
### Added
- Author query support (William Casarin)
- REQ support: ndb_subscribe (William Casarin)
- CLOSE support: ndb_unsubscibe (William Casarin)
- Profile flatbuffer dump utility (William Casarin)
- Ability to register a subscription callback instead of just polling (William Casarin)
### Changed
- Dump json in filter and fulltext queries in cli tool (William Casarin)
### Stats
name added removed commits
William Casarin <jb55@jb55.com> +665 -739 16
## nostrdb-rust
### Added
- Note builder interface (William Casarin)
- Nip10 implementation (William Casarin)
- Getting profile by key (William Casarin)
- Note tag support (William Casarin)
- `Tag::into_iter` method (Yuki Kishimoto)
- `FilterBuilder::until` method (Yuki Kishimoto)
- Export structs from `tags` module (Yuki Kishimoto)
## Fixed
- `FilterBuilder::limit` method (Yuki Kishimoto)
- `Note::sig` method (Yuki Kishimoto)
### Stats
Yuki Kishimoto <yukikishimoto@protonmail.com> +20 -4 5
William Casarin <jb55@jb55.com> +1551 -867 32
## Damus NoteDeck/Android
This project is in heavy development and doesn't have clean changelogs yet,
so here are all of the git logs from this period
### Willam's updates
- account_manager: don't add the same pubkey more than once
- actionbar placeholder
- actionbar: remove border on reply button, add expand animation
- actionbar: support both dark and light buttons
- Add forward navigation animation
- add hover to profile map demo
- add --light lightmode flag to previews and notedeck
- add my pubkey to the timeline query for testing
- add test queries for elsat
- add vertical separators between timelines
- allow missing profiles in account switcher
- allow multiple invocations of --sec
- always have some default timeline
- app: make ndb public
- a quick note about the View trait
- args: allow filter files and raw filters on cli
- bump timeline filter limit
- cap size of remote filter limits
- change selection color to purple
- check: remove duplicate and disable wasm checks
- ci: disable wasm builds for now
- cli: add --sec argument to quickly add an account
- clippy postbox cleanups
- crates: add bitflags
- damus: make relay pool public
- darker quote reposts for mobile
- debug: add some debug logs for keyboard note selection
- deps: using tracing instead of log
- direnv: disable nix direnv on darwin
- direnv: make args explicit so its easy to change
- don't bump timeline when adding notes
- dont since-optimize when we don't have enough notes
- don't use an actual keystorage in Damus test apps
- drafts: clear post after posting
- enable nip10 replies
- enostr: rename Event to Note
- env: allow private things like secret keys
- filter: add default limit
- filters: fix hashtag filters
- filter: unify nostrdb and remote limits
- Fix all warnings
- fixed_window: fix clippy warning
- fix global query
- fix inline note preview colors
- fix light borders for quote reposts
- fix postbox design
- fix scroll area shrinking
- fix some clippy warnings
- fix until filters
- fix warnings
- fonts: always use base fonts for all families
- fun large profile grid preview
- get all missing ids from all timelines
- github: remove pages workflow
- gitignore: add perf files
- hide navigation title on global nav
- ids: find more unknown ids from inline notes
- images: add aspect_fill
- initial inline note previews
- initial navigation
- initial note posting
- initial postbox for testing
- initial post box view
- initial post reply view
- initial refactor in preparation for routing
- input: fix deadlock on resize
- input: handle raw events
- input: process input once
- input: switch to scanning over raw input events
- integrate sidebar into main view
- introduce View and Previews traits
- irc mode
- ircmode: tighten username
- keys: actually use the keystore
- lighter gray for inline previews in white mode
- list: switch from arc mutext to rc refcell
- load timelines from commandline
- log: reduce spammy new note log
- log relay subscriptions
- make notedeck front and center
- mobile: add lots of top padding on mobile
- mobile: a tad more padding at the top
- mobile: black panel bg color
- mobile: don't add hover on mobile
- mobile: make mobile flag runtime-configurable
- mobile: simplify is_mobile
- mobile: use my timeline for testing again
- move account_login_view to ui submodule
- move add_space to its correct location
- nip10: fetch unknown replied-to notes
- nip10: show initial reply information on notes
- nix: add openssl dep for reqwest
- nix: make android emulator optional
- nostrdb: bump to support timeline queries
- note: don't allow nested note previews
- note: support nprofile mentions
- perf: don't clone bytes via a more specialized function
- perf: fix continuous repaint
- perf: profiling note content rendering
- popup: increase fixed window margin
- popup: simplify borrow
- postbox: add focused state
- postbox: add focus shadow from figma
- post: full available width
- postview: add vertical scroll
- previews: remove central panel frame
- profile: add about and username to profile previews
- profiles: introduce DisplayNames
- profiling: update puffin version
- queries: add a few more test queries
- queries: set reasonable initial query sizes
- queries: update hashtags query
- readme: add usage
- readme: document previews
- readme: make it clear that its for desktop
- readme: make it clear that nix is optional for non-android dev
- readme: show notedeck preview
- refactor: move fixed_window to ui
- refactor: move note into its own widget
- refactor: rename widgets to ui
- refactor: use map instead of explicit `if let`
- remote: use default_remote_limit instead of hardcoding
- remove context from DesktopSidePanel
- remove minimum window size
- remove useless struct
- render_pfp: only depend on imgcache
- reset virtual list if notes are spliced into timeline
- set tooltip delay to 100ms
- side_panel: return more detailed side panel responses
- simplify is_mobile check
- simplify tab underline calculation
- since filter optimization
- slightly larger pfpfs
- small inline preview pfps
- style: initial logic for mobile style
- style: less bubbly
- style: realtime hover interactions
- style: set 0 duration tooltip delay
- Switch to egui master to fix wgpu issues
- switch to glow for now
- switch to rustls-tls-native-roots
- tabs: select notes & replies by default
- test: add test timeline query
- test: update test profile with a banner
- test: use my timeline query by default for testing
- textmode: adjust name sizing so it doesn't bump the column
- textmode: fix coloring of abbreviated names
- textmode: no previews in textmore for now
- theme: update to correct colors based on figma design
- timeline: don't hide on resize
- timeline: refactor tabs into TimelineView
- timeline: use strips instead of panels
- ui: add banners to profile previews
- ui: add feathering-resistant hline separator fn
- ui: add frame around note previews
- ui: add initial Profile hover previews
- ui: add profile picture hover animation
- ui: integrate egui-tabs for notes & replies selector
- ui: introduce profile picture widget
- ui: make pixel sizes correct, use more of the figma
- ui: move RelayView into ui module
- ui: only inline preview kind1 notes for now
- ui: reduce vertical padding for more compact timelines
- ui: remove some old note ui comments
- ui: simplify note widget
- ui: switch to flags for note options
- update slow timeline query
- update to latest nostrdb, adding tag support
- update version in comment because I still use this on my laptop
- use egui_virtual_list for rendering
- use unique id for post/reply view
- weird actionbar experiment
- we should just called this damus
- widgets: begin organizing ui components into widgets
- working notes + notes&replies
### kernelkind's updates
- account_management: refactor
- AccountManagementView
- AccountManager: add ability to make a selection
- AccountSelectionWidget
- Account switcher
- Add AccountManager to app
- Add custom visual themes
- Add flag to emulate mobile during preview
- Add keypair & update pubkey
- Add login key parsing
- Add login manager
- Add MacOS key storage
- Add MobileAccountLoginView
- Add modular custom text styles
- Add monospace text style
- Add nix-shell for macos android development
- Add nostr-sdk dependency
- Add precommit hook to suggest proper formatting
- Add preview for RelayView
- Add relay view
- add reqwest as dependency
- Add SimpleProfilePreview
- Add ui_test_harness binary implementation
- Add warn color and highlight color
- app: add accounts to Damus & mock
- Apply app style to AccountLoginView
- Apply cargo fmt
- Conditionally compile MacOS key storage code
- Constrain app minimum size
- Create account login panel
- Create side panel & global popup
- enostr: expose RelayStatus
- Extract the sample relay to test_data for reuse
- impl linux credential storage
- Integrate account switcher to side panel
- Integrate global popup into app
- login: Add key loading & error to mobile
- macos_key_storage: runner ignore tests
- migrate AccountManagementView to enostr Keypair
- Migrate to new AccountManagementView conception
- Move login business logic to LoginManager
- move login logic from promise to async fns
- Move preview controller out of account_manager.rs
- move test account creation & apply to global popup
- Pfp integration to side panel
- refactor account switcher & management previews
- Refactor 'ui tests' conception to previews
- reintroduce account management
- reintroduce account switcher
- remove nostr-sdk
- Rename PersistState -> StateInMemory
- select first account
- Seperate mobile dark color theme into its own func
- update cargo.lock to reflect toml change
- Update egui 0.26.1 -> 0.27.1
- Use app_creation for common app setup functions
- Use custom style in app
- use nostr in enostr
### Stats
name added removed commits
kernelkind <kernelkind@gmail.com> +6844 -1979 58
William Casarin <jb55@jb55.com> +9733 -5583 194
## Damus iOS
### Added
- Ability to create highlights (ericholguin)
- Add ability to mute hashtag from SearchView (Charlie Fish)
- Add ability to mute words, add new mutelist interface (Charlie) (William Casarin)
- Added callbackuri for a better ux when connecting mutiny wallet nwc (ericholguin)
- Added nip10 marker replies (William Casarin)
- Added title image and tags to longform events (ericholguin)
- Add event content preview to the full screen carousel (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Add First Aid solution for users who do not have a contact list created for their account (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Add marker nip10 support when reading notes (William Casarin)
- Add video cache to save network bandwidth (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Completely new threads experience that is easier and more pleasant to use (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Connect to Mutiny Wallet Button (ericholguin)
- Highlights (NIP-84) (ericholguin)
- Notification reminders for Damus Purple impending expiration (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Proxy Tags are now viewable on Selected Events (ericholguin)
- Relay fees metadata (ericholguin)
- Revamp emoji picker to be less error-prone and add search, frequently used, and multiple skin tone support capabilities (Terry Yiu)
- Show list of quoted reposts in threads (William Casarin)
### Changed
- Added first aid contact damus support email (alltheseas)
- Add support for Apple In-App purchases (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Always strip GPS data from images (kernelkind)
- Change reactions to use a native looking emoji picker (Terry Yiu)
- Errors with an NWC will show as an alert (ericholguin)
- Improve UX around video playback (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Moved paste nwc button to main wallet view (ericholguin)
- Relay config view user interface (ericholguin)
- Relay detail design (ericholguin)
- Updated Zeus logo (ericholguin)
### Fixed
- Fix broken GIF uploads (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix bug that would cause connection issues with relays defined with a trailing slash URL, and an inability to delete them. (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fixed issue where some replies were including the q tag (William Casarin)
- Fixed issue where timeline was scrolling when it isn't supposed to (William Casarin)
- Fixed threads not loading sometimes (William Casarin)
- Fixed wallet not disconnecting when a user logs out (ericholguin)
- Fix emoji reactions being cut off (ericholguin)
- Fix ghost notifications caused by Purple impending expiration notifications (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix image indicators to limit number of dots to not spill screen beyond visible margins (ericholguin)
- Fix in-app purchase issue that would trigger an error on purchase before confirming the account information. (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix issue where bootstrap relays would inadvertently be added to the user's list on connectivity issues (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix missing Mute button in profile view menu (Terry Yiu)
- Fix nostrscripts not loading (William Casarin)
- Fix profile not updating bug (William Casarin)
- Fix stale feed issue when follow list is too big (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix thread bug where a quote isn't picked up as a reply (William Casarin)
- Fix welcome screen not showing if the user enters the app directly after a successful checkout without going through the link (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Improve reliability of contact list creation during onboarding (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Issue where NWC Scanner view would not dismiss after a failed scan/paste (ericholguin)
### Stats
name added removed commits
Fonta1n3 <fontainedenton@googlemail.com> +1 -0 1
Sean Kibler <skibler@protonmail.com> +13 -2 1
alltheseas <64376233+alltheseas> +65 -1 4
Transifex <transifex@transifex.com> +581 -39 36
Terry Yiu <git@tyiu.xyz> +763 -1383 8
William Casarin <jb55@jb55.com> +1017 -1564 49
ericholguin <ericholguin@apache.org> +1962 -643 13
Daniel D’Aquino <daniel@daquino.me> +3885 -761 48