@ laguz
2025-02-06 16:42:12
This is such a good question, really. First reaction is to say -original. But why this is my first reaction? Maybe Bc i think that I'd be missing out some important information that is stored in an original text? And what that important element would be? News is not a fiction, it doesn't require or even should avoid personal opinions, intricate style, complex vocabulary. So why I wouldn't want to have a,neutral summary? Everyone knows that rhetorics (choice or order of words etc) can influence opinions and be used as a manipulation tool. I think summary for news is a perfect solution. (Not for more complex written forms which meant to provide not only information but also pleasure).Obviously there is question of how good the llm is and how much I can trust the creators and fine-tuners of this model. Thumb up for neutral summary for news only.