
@ Bread and Toast
2025-03-06 13:45:58
#TheWholeGrain - #February2025
Ah, February! The month of love! Well, it is if Valentine's Day and a few slices of bread have anything to say about it! All of this month's Sunday Singles all revolved around this theme. How can we portray to folks our love for, well, Love! We even changed our logo on Valentine's Day this year and released the art for it as a note using the NOSTR protocol.
The adventure known as Questline released two more pages of its story ending the month with readers wondering how will the gang deal with their first adversary.
As usual a piece of Concept Art and Bitcoin Art were released. However, some will notice that the art work was released with a new framing standard which we plan to continue.
Last of all, we started releasing merchandise with an exclusive bundle inspired by this month's Toast's Comic Collection. You'll see more information about this near the end of this issue of The Whole Grain.
**Sunday Singles - February 2025**
2025-02-02 | Sunday Single 78
Title: Cupid
*If you don’t watch out, you might just get struck by Cupid’s arrow!*
2025-02-09 | Sunday Single 79
Title: Ace of Hearts
*Will you be an Ace this Valentine’s Day?*
2025-02-16 | Sunday Single 80
Title: Three of Hearts
*Talk about lucky! Here are three hearts worth having!*
2025-02-23 | Sunday Single 81
Title: Chemistry
*For the past month our top scientist has been studying chemistry.*
**Adventure Series: Questline**
Bread, Toast, and End-Piece left a recently burned down village behind them. As they continue forward pondering what they have recently seen they are about to be surprised by something big...
Writer: Daniel David (dan 🍞)
Artist: Dakota Jernigan (The Bitcoin Painter)
2025-02-11 | Questline
003 - Time to Move Forward
After some time investigating the recently torched village our heroes continue on the path. Toast is happy to be leaving it behind them, but Bread continues to wonder what could have possibly caused such immense damage... and where were all the villagers?
2025-02-25 | Questline
004 - Winged Predator
The village and its dark clouds can no longer be seen behind our heroes. However, Bread still cannot stop pondering the village, and what could have happened to it. Suddenly, within a span of few seconds, Toast notices their three shadows engrossed by a much larger one and hears what is approaching behind them.
**Other Content Released in February 2025**
2025-02-05 | Toast's Comic Collection
Title: Batbread #10
*I am... vengeance. I am... the night.
I am... Batbread.*
2025-02-12 | Concept Art
Title: Second Toast Sketch
*A second sketch of the character Toast. Remade and cleaned up.*
2025-02-14 | Leftover
Title: Valentine's Day 2025
*Happy Valentine's Day! 💘
We know that we say this a lot, but... 🍞 ♥️ U*
2025-02-19 | Bitcoin Art
Title: The Miner
Block Height: 884458
*End-Piece is the miner of the group. Someone has to do the hard work!*
**Merchandise Announcement**
We want to begin selling some merchandise. After the success of the exclusive metal cut-outs sold at Nostr Valley 2024 we decided to sell something similar. Bread and Toast made an announcement this past month shortly after this month's Toast's Comic Collection release with the Batbread Bundle (Limited Supply).
If you are interested in purchasing he Batbread Bundle contact us by email at store@breadandtoast.com with "Batbread" in the subject line! There are only 21 in total available. It'll be first come, first serve!
Thanks for checking out the sixth issue of The Whole Grain. The Whole Grain is released on the first of every month and covers all of the content released by Bread and Toast in the previous month. For all Bread and Toast content visit BreadandToast.com!
**🍞 ♥️ U**
***Bread, Toast, and End-Piece***
#BreadandToast #SundaySingle #Questline #ToastsComicCollection #ConceptArt #BitcoinArt #Bread #Toast #EndPiece #Artstr #Comic #Cartoon #NostrOnly #Valentines #Love #🖼️
***List of nPubs Mentioned:***
The Bitcoin Painter:
dan 🍞: