@ sondreolav 👀
2023-09-21 11:33:15
Some plebs have asked me how I have a custom bitcoin lightning ⚡ address from my own web server even though I have a custodial wallet ([WalletOfSatoshi](https://www.walletofsatoshi.com/)).
So I have created a simple guide:
1. Go to the root folder of your web server.
2. Create two folders *".well-known"* and in that folder create a folder called *"lnurlp"*.
`mkdir -p .well-known/lnurlp`
3. Download the json file with your information from WOS and save it in the folder you just created. Replace *<WOS_USERNAME>* with your WOS username and *<COOL_USERNAME>* with your name or something else cool.
`wget -O .well-known/lnurlp/<COOL_USERNAME> https://walletofsatoshi.com/.well-known/lnurlp/<WOS_USERNAME>`
Finally the plebs will be able to zap you at *<COOL_USERNAME>@your-website.com* 🤙