@ Kevin's Bacon
2025-02-15 06:57:27
Hell yeah fellow hypercontrarian!
So like, to be contrarian for being contrarian, you just gotta be like me: every branch I have made into being contrarian found me in a group where I further made a contrarian choice to find a new a niche within that niche, in a recursive pattern such that my choices occupy a fractal pattern of weird, with higher precision decisions of weird than most nonconformists every occupy. For one example, I get into Linux, then I get into Arch based, then I get into terminal focused but not mainstream Arch, then I branch into systemd-free Arch based with Artix, then I give it Motif styling like the Silicon Graphics UNIX computers and make it my daily driver, then I get OpenBSD as my alt dual boot OS instead of Windows because fuck Windows.
I'm a man of very refined, very particular taste lol