@ 638d2a79:f5645f4e
2025-01-23 19:31:18
humans have a set amount of memory in our life span (about 2.5 million gigabytes of digital memory) this magic system uses that long term memory as fuel for code. The human data (as it is called) can be stored and used to achieve magical outcomes, short term memory is also useable, but only in short bursts and it requires concentration to use, all humans make about **32 bytes** a second, the thing with short term Human data is it cant be stored for later. you concentrate on the part of the code that requires memory and the code starts to do the thing it is so post to (IE: lighting something on fire). There is a limit on the things you can do with only 32bytes, for an example, if you had say 30 people give up 1 MB of LTM (long term memory) to power a script you could probably make a house out of thin air. if you had one person give up 1MB of LTM you could have a lighter that would almost never stop. one person could use his short term memory to activate a script to make a small ball of lead, and use a pre-filed script to launch it, etc etc etc the possibility's are endless. STM can be converted to LTM for storage, but the prosses is long and the conversant rate is low (I'm talking like 2 days of meditation on a collection script for only like 3MB of human data)
## how would this effect the people/ [[Culture]] ?
Well, technology would be greatly increased so would warfare for that mater. Left handed people would be more common (higher amount of the tissue connecting the left and right sides of the brane, giving more potent STM)
%% **Left-Handed Advantage**: A study from 2001 showed that left-handed people have better memories due to a larger corpus callosum, the white matter connecting the two hemispheres of the brain %%
also, the human brane structure would change drastically, for starters the would most likely be much larger than that of a earth human, and the other funchons of the brane might be smaller or less dence (less wrinkles)
Tags: [[book ideas]]