@ Brunswick
2025-02-25 22:49:38
# Election Authority (EA) Platform
## 1.1 EA Administration Interface (Web-Based)
- **Purpose**: Gives authorized personnel (e.g., election officials) a user-friendly way to administer the election.
- **Key Tasks**:
1. **Voter Registration Oversight**: Mark which voters have proven their identity (via in-person KYC or some legal process).
2. **Blind Signature Issuance**: Approve or deny blind signature requests from registered voters (each corresponding to one ephemeral key).
3. **Tracking Voter Slots**: Keep a minimal registry of who is allowed one ephemeral key signature, and mark it “used” once a signature is issued.
4. **Election Configuration**: Set start/end times, provide encryption parameters (public keys), manage threshold cryptography setup.
5. **Monitor Tallying**: After the election, collaborate with trustees to decrypt final results and release them.
## 1.2 EA Backend Services
- **Blind Signature Service**:
- An API endpoint or internal module that receives a *blinded ephemeral key* from a voter, checks if they are authorized (one signature per voter), and returns the blind-signed result.
- Typically requires secure storage of the EA’s **blind signing private key**.
- **Voter Roll Database**:
- Stores minimal info: “Voter #12345 is authorized to request one ephemeral key signature,” plus status flags.
- Does **not** store ephemeral keys themselves (to preserve anonymity).
- **(Optional) Mix-Net or Homomorphic Tally Service**:
- Coordinates with trustees for threshold decryption or re-encryption.
- Alternatively, a separate “Tally Authority” service can handle this.
# 2. Auditor Interface
## 2.1 Auditor Web-Based Portal
- **Purpose**: Allows independent auditors (or the public) to:
1. **Fetch All Ballots** from the relays (or from an aggregator).
2. **Verify Proofs**: Check each ballot’s signature, blind signature from the EA, OTS proof, zero-knowledge proofs, etc.
3. **Check Double-Usage**: Confirm that each ephemeral key is used only once (or final re-vote is the only valid instance).
4. **Observe Tally Process**: Possibly see partial decryptions or shuffle steps, verify the final result matches the posted ballots.
- **Key Tasks**:
- Provide a **dashboard** showing the election’s real-time status or final results, after cryptographic verification.
- Offer **open data** downloads so third parties can run independent checks.
## 2.2 (Optional) Trustee Dashboard
- If the election uses threshold cryptography (multiple parties must decrypt), each **trustee** (candidate rep, official, etc.) might have an interface for:
- Uploading partial decryption shares or re-encryption proofs.
- Checking that other trustees did their steps correctly (zero-knowledge proofs for correct shuffling, etc.).
# 3. Voter Application
## 3.1 Voter Client (Mobile App or Web Interface)
- **Purpose**: The main tool voters use to participate—**before**, **during**, and **after** the election.
- **Functionalities**:
1. **Registration Linking**:
- Voter goes in-person to an election office or uses an online KYC process.
- Voter obtains or confirms their **long-term (“KYC-bound”) key**. The client can store it securely (or the voter just logs in to a “voter account”).
2. **Ephemeral Key Generation**:
- Create an ephemeral key pair (\(nsec_e, npub_e\)) locally.
- Blind \(\npub_e\) and send it to the EA for signing.
- Unblind the returned signature.
- Store \(\npub_e\) + EA’s signature for use during voting.
3. **Ballot Composition**:
- Display candidates/offices to the voter.
- Let them select choices.
- Possibly generate zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) behind the scenes to confirm “exactly one choice per race.”
4. **Encryption & OTS Timestamp**:
- Encrypt the ballot under the election’s **public** (threshold) key or produce a format suitable for a mix-net.
- Obtain an **OpenTimestamps** proof for the ballot’s hash.
5. **Publish Ballot**:
- Sign the entire “timestamped ballot” with the ephemeral key.
- Include the EA’s blind signature on \(\npub_e\).
- Post to the Nostr relays (or any chosen decentralized channel).
6. **Re-Voting**:
- If the user needs to change their vote, the client repeats the encryption + OTS step, publishes a new ballot with a strictly later OTS anchor.
7. **Verification**:
- After the election, the voter can check that their final ballot is present in the tally set.
## 3.2 Local Storage / Security
- The app must securely store:
- **Ephemeral private key** (\(nsec_e\)) until voting is complete.
- Potential backup/recovery mechanism if the phone is lost.
- Blind signature from the EA on \(\npub_e\).
- Potentially uses hardware security modules (HSM) or secure enclaves on the device.
# 4. Nostr Relays (or Equivalent Decentralized Layer)
- **Purpose**: Store and replicate voter-submitted ballots (events).
- **Key Properties**:
1. **Redundancy**: Voters can post to multiple relays to mitigate censorship or downtime.
2. **Public Accessibility**: Auditors, the EA, and the public can fetch all events to verify or tally.
3. **Event Filtering**: By design, watchers can filter events with certain tags, e.g. “election: 2025 County Race,” ensuring they gather all ballots.
# 5. Threshold Cryptography Setup
## 5.1 Multi-Seg (Multi-Party) Key Generation
- **Participants**: Possibly the EA + major candidates + accredited observers.
- **Process**: A **Distributed Key Generation (DKG)** protocol that yields a single **public** encryption key.
- **Private Key Shares**: Each trustee holds a piece of the decryption key; no single party can decrypt alone.
## 5.2 Decryption / Tally Mechanism
- **Homomorphic Approach**:
1. Ballots are *additively* encrypted.
2. Summation of ciphertexts is done publicly.
3. Trustees provide partial decryptions for the final sum.
- **Mix-Net Approach**:
1. Ballots are collected.
2. Multiple servers shuffle and re-encrypt them (each trustee verifies correctness).
3. Final set is decrypted, but the link to each ephemeral key is lost.
## 5.3 Trustee Interfaces
- **Separate or integrated into the auditor interface**—each trustee logs in and provides their partial key share for decrypting the final result.
- Possibly combined with ZK proofs to confirm correct partial decryption or shuffling.
# 6. OpenTimestamps (OTS) or External Time Anchor
## 6.1 Aggregator Service
- **Purpose**: Receives a hash from the voter’s app, anchors it into a blockchain or alternative time-stamping system.
- **Result**: Returns a proof object that can later be used by any auditor to confirm the time/block height at which the hash was included.
## 6.2 Verifier Interface
- Could be part of the **auditor tool** or the **voter client**.
- Checks that each ballot’s OTS proof is valid and references a block/time prior to the election’s closing.
# 7. Registration Process (In-Person or Hybrid)
1. **Voter presents ID** physically at a polling station or a designated office (or an online KYC approach, if legally allowed).
2. **EA official**:
- Confirms identity.
- Links the voter to a “voter record” (Voter #12345).
- Authorizes them for “1 ephemeral key blind-sign.”
3. **Voter obtains or logs into the voter client**:
- The app or website might show “You are now cleared to request a blind signature from the EA.”
- Voter later (or immediately) generates the ephemeral key and requests the blind signature.
# 8. Putting It All Together (High-Level Flow)
1. **Key Setup**
- The EA + trustees run a DKG to produce the **election public key**.
2. **Voter Registration**
- Voter is validated (ID check).
- Marked as eligible in the EA database.
3. **Blind-Signed Ephemeral Key**
- Voter’s client generates a key, blinds \(\npub_e\), obtains EA’s signature, unblinds.
4. **Voting**
1. Voter composes ballot, encrypts with the election public key.
2. Gets OTS proof for the ballot hash.
3. Voter’s ephemeral key signs the entire package (including EA’s signature on \(\npub_e\)).
4. Publishes to Nostr.
5. **Re-Voting** (Optional)
- Same ephemeral key, new OTS timestamp.
- Final ballot is whichever has the latest valid timestamp before closing.
6. **Close of Election & Tally**
1. EA announces closing.
2. Tally software (admin + auditors) collects ballots from Nostr, discards invalid duplicates.
3. Threshold decryption or mix-net to reveal final counts.
4. Publish final results and let auditors verify everything.
# 9. Summary of Major Components
Below is a succinct list:
1. **EA Admin Platform**
- Web UI for officials (registration, blind signature issuing, final tally management).
- Backend DB for voter records & authorized ephemeral keys.
2. **Auditor/Trustee Platforms**
- Web interface for verifying ballots, partial decryption, and final results.
3. **Voter Application (Mobile / Web)**
- Generating ephemeral keys, getting blind-signed, casting encrypted ballots, re-voting, verifying included ballots.
4. **Nostr Relays (Decentralized Storage)**
- Where ballots (events) are published, replicated, and fetched for final tally.
5. **Threshold Cryptography System**
- Multi-party DKG for the election key.
- Protocols or services for partial decryption, mix-net, or homomorphic summation.
6. **OpenTimestamps Aggregator**
- Service that returns a blockchain-anchored timestamp proof for each ballot’s hash.
## Additional Implementation Considerations
- **Security Hardening**:
- Using hardware security modules (HSM) for the EA’s blind-signing key, for trustee shares, etc.
- **Scalability**:
- Handling large numbers of concurrent voters, large data flows to relays.
- **User Experience**:
- Minimizing cryptographic complexity for non-technical voters.
- **Legal and Procedural**:
- Compliance with local laws for in-person ID checks, mandatory paper backups (if any), etc.
## Final Note
While each **functional block** can be designed and deployed independently (e.g., multiple aggregator services, multiple relays, separate tally servers), the **key** to a successful system is **interoperability** and **careful orchestration** of these components—ensuring strong security, a straightforward voter experience, and transparent auditing.