
@ Marc
2025-03-08 02:16:57
I began using/testing Cashu over 105,120 blocks ago when @NVK said ["Cashu is very interesting."](nostr:note1xjly4d8a8w0dkqzvzj0t8kf8fnzqpa5w0zy2t2my7243zeut0gxszt9hch).

The first time I swapped sweet cipher-text to sats, it was too new new and novel to digest. Someone sent me cashu over nostr, straight to my npub. I copy pasta-ed it into my minibits wallet and recieved 10 sats. In retrospect, I would compare it to gold backed paper currency. Over a century ago, paper USD was a coupon for gold, "redeemable in gold on demand at the United States Treasury, or in gold for lawful money at any federal reserve bank.

In the analog days of the early 20th century a bean-counter at a Federal Reserve bank would give you approximately 5 ounces of gold for an analog bored ape, Ben Franklin. Cashu is an NFT without the jpeg and the innate ability to be redeemed for bitcoin over the lightning network. I've heard NVK describe it as "an honest shitcoin" and I like this framing. The rug-pull risk is greater than zero, but less than the rug-pull risk of Wallet of Satoshi with the added benefit of generational wealth.
This means we can abstract bitcoin value into something that looks like this.
The lightning network is cool, but requires the reciever to have a wallet. Many Americans began using nostr when Wallet of Satoshi was available to them. They disappeared like a magiian once Wallet of Satoshi was removed from the app stores. To be fair, it still works. Last I checked, sats from wallet of satoshi can still be received and spent from US based IP addresses, but non-technical noobs can no longer download it from app stores designed for the neuro-typical.
I sprinkled a little e cash in a few Substack articles, but few people know what it is. These things takes time. Maybe it's too early. Maybe, just maybe, **we can make paper cash great again**.
Is it a long shot? Sure. Will I try it anyway? Hell yes!
## How To Make Paper Money Great Again
**The plan**:
Create paper products with QR codes that have [Cashu](https://cashu.space/). Think [tip cards](https://tipcards.io/) or birtday cards designed to hold cash. You can choose your mint on [Mibibits](https://www.minibits.cash/) or [Macadamia](https://macadamia.cash/) depending on your pnone. This is not bitcoin for posterity. We're talking about pocket spending money, not generational wealth.
I plan to make and sell greeting cards: HallMarc cards.😉 I draw like I'm 5, but we'll let the market decide if they prefer my Kidnergarden-style art or [Ideogram](https://ideogram.ai). Then I'll write some cheesy words people like on greeting cards. Here's my first idea.
**Happy Birthday**
**Stack Sats.**
Okay....So it's more like a first draft, but this is a proof of concept. Cut me some slack. 😅 There's still a few kinks to work out, but here's the prototype.

### Set Up Shop With A Free And Open Source Version
I will add these cards to my merch shop. I can add 1,000 sats, maybe some custom amounts, but I'll also open source them. I like to give cards that pay bitcoin to kids in my family. If I open source this, maybe more people will be willing to give the kids in their family sats. It only costs card stock paper, ink, and the sats you give away.
If you're like me, your family knows your a bitcoin dork anyway. We might as well show them it's not just an investment. It's money we can give them they can either save or spend.
We should mention it's better to save bitcoin. That's what stacking sats means. That will be my second draft.
Happy Birthday.
Save as much bitcoin as you can.