
@ Mattias Lindberg
2025-03-07 06:25:33
Have to tell you about my new zone 2 jogging routine. This morning, every Mon, Wed, Fri, I will do a 45 min jog. A very slow one, only breathing with my nose. If you can’t, then it’s too fast. Slow down. I play some music, from mp3:s, have my iPhone on airplane mode and use wired headphones to avoid all EMF and disturbances. A program that sends me a signal when reaching half way, to turn back. I do this to increase VO2 Max, but also, experienced extreme bliss and happiness. Laughter and even a few tears from some good calm songs and funny lyrics. Seeing the city slowly wake up, then into to forest. This is the best idea for a routine ever. Like a happiness drug. Speaking of drugs, have one mini white #nicotine snus, with flavor of spearmint, in too. Note for future runs, nose can be a bit runny breathing from only nose, had to look back so no person noticed, cleared my nostrils a few times, to breath better. Will bring some tissue next time. Thinking of taking a cold dip by the lake in the forest too next time. Have a great day you all! #dothework #zone2