
@ Cari₿ou Farm
2025-03-04 12:53:34
GM nostr ☀️
Bitcoin is not an investment
Bitcoin is money
There’s a big difference
Investing means taking risk in order to generate a return and is only required if money is defective and loses value over time
Now that humanity has developed perfect money (bitcoin), investing is no longer required and we can return to saving which is the preservation of capital without risk
Stop investing your time in risky assets that are constantly being devalued by fiat
Save your time in hard money that protects you from debasement and is under your control
#Bitcoin is a return to peace of mind
Farmers can focus on regenerating their soil, caring for their animals and growing high quality nutritious food
No more paying middlemen to “invest” your excess
No more needing to understand the complex dynamics of fiat finance
Save in #bitcoin
Invest your energy in your health, family and your land
#nostr #bitcoin #simple #health #soil #food #finance #farm #farmlife #human #soil #regenerative