
@ The Gateway Pundit - by layer3.news
2025-03-07 00:22:24
✍️ Senate Democrats filed a bar complaint against President Trump's former acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove, accusing him of engaging in quid pro quo and undermining the integrity of the justice system.
👉 Senate Democrats filed a bar complaint against Emil Bove
👉 Accused Bove of engaging in quid pro quo
👉 Claimed Bove dropped corruption charges against NYC Mayor Eric Adams in exchange for political favors
👉 Alleged Bove's actions are part of a broader course of conduct by President Trump and his allies to undermine the independence of the Department of Justice's investigations and prosecutions
#EmilBove #EricAdams #DickDurbin #NormEisen #MarkZaid #AndrewWeissmann #ToddBlanche #NewYorkCity #WashingtonD.C. #politics