@ Marc
2025-02-22 20:29:43

I shop the bitcoin circular economy as much as I can. Maybe "shop" isn't the best way to describe it. Shopping is a behavior typical of fiat maxis. they drive fancy leases and shop 'till they drop. This season's fashion must-have is next season's trash. Bitcoiners don't shop, we replenish supplies. Our goal is to get the best value for our sats. Our goal to hodl our sats as long as possible.
Yesterday, I shoveled a [ton of compost](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzph68s45y080zdd9g8sdacnd6kcd4ejpwrgcju2eghjq45y4f28n8qqs24rrm3u2wvf24ad8xkj2xh8nuq2lz7urnd3lzrpqlstmsp4r29hsug39jw) for my garden. If taking showers mean's I', short bitcoin, so be it. I also happened to get my soap from Soapminer delivered to my P.O. Box the day before. What better way is there to test this soap than after shoveling some shit? It was perfect timing.
## Soapminer Sells Soap Made From Beef Tallow
Soapminer is a nostr rounder I've seen online every timestamp in a while. As the name suggests, he makes soap and sells it for sats. He's not the only soap seller on nostr, but something stands out about this soap. He uses beef tallow, the stuff McDonald's used for french fries back in the day. I use it to cook. It's basically beef lard.
So this pleb makes soap and markets it to people who talk about beef and bitcoin. That's better than Fight Club. Then [I heard Matt Odell say it was pretty good](https://fountain.fm/clip/6GHDdmcwMg47mz0xNpVb). I already thought about spending sats on this soap, but now I had a testimonial from a man I have listened to for about six years. **Can you say Web of Trust baby?**
I no soap and suds expert. I have years of soapo sing experience, but I never thought about what commercial soap is made with. I assumed it was like Fight Club like how I assumed the dollar was backed by gold in high school. Both these statements are false. Fiat soap is made with fiat fuckery. I tried looking for the ingredients on a box of Dove Men's Care, but couldn't find them on the box. It's opaque like the amount of gold at Fort Knox, nobody knows. I know what Soapminer uses to make his soap because [it's open source](nostr:note1aypyepc6g7lztutegx0fw5yg5clc9ythvxkp6czfkau3dcgwz06q4mfqr3).
### Tallow Soap Quotes
I asked Soapminer a few questions on nostr. You can find his answer here:
**That's the link that shows it was signed by his own nostr key, the Internet's version of "I approve this message."**

`What inspired me was a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. During the plandemic, I had a lot of free time on my hands, and got to read, and investigate what actually causes a lot of the sickness in society. I learned a great deal. I never knew that your skin is your largest organ, and that it absorbs 60-70% of what you put on it. What do ppl put on their skin almost every day? Soap. So out of boredom, and seeking a healthier lifestyle, I started watching YT videos of ppl making soap, and tried it out a few times, and then a few more, until I became good at it.
Once you learn how to make soap, the challenges only arise when you try something that you haven't done before. Depending on what method you are using will determine the challenges that you may face. It's multifaceted, so might be a little long to go into. I overcome them by keep trying until I get it right. No path is going to be easy, you just have to practice to make perfect.
Last question is easy. My favorite soap is Tallow soap. As long as it is made from Tallow, and has all natural ingredients, it is a good soap in my opinion. Tallow mirrors the oils in our skin. It doesn't strip you skin the way commercial soap do, leaving you feel itchy, dry, and actually causing some of the skin ailments that have become common, like eczema, and psoriasis. Just nutures, cleans, and protects. It also, can prevent wrinkles., and acne.`

I tried the pine tar first. It makes me smell like a man, at least my wife thinks so. That's also why she prefers the unscented. He is adding more scents, but these ate the one's I have tried.
The soap makes me feel rubber-ducky squeaky clean. After my shower, made some lunch and washed my hands with Dawn. **This made my hands ashier than bio-char**. I decided to cut some soap and place a little piece by the kitchen sink. The soap moisturized my hands in two shakes of a bull's tail. I also cut up some of my soap into smaller pieces because I'm as frugal as a Boy-scout and wanted to wash my hands with this stuff instead of Ivory. **Who wants a clean as real as Ivory? It's only 99.44% pure. Soap miner is 100% pure bitcoin signal.

#### Here's some more quotes about Soapminer's soap.
- [He's asking his market if they want Peppermint soap.](nostr:note1tpeh65m7y6s6wt9ucjdcl2pge3m86f2ny4hqjdyvcrmf7kglqshqfeceam "nostr:note1tpeh65m7y6s6wt9ucjdcl2pge3m86f2ny4hqjdyvcrmf7kglqshqfeceam)
- [Then he made the soap like a boss](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqy9kvcxtqa2tlwyjv4r46ancxk00ghk9yaudzsnp697s60942p7lqqs0yqyvffu9pn39grtxa8agpftpvfssx603w0ra67kpn5qn360masquhrtd7).
- [The Benefits of Tallow](nostr:nevent1qqs9w6g8khrqzhrgu7y3trae9vtdl8847p42p80aqzvsvlu9kr84vkgpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsyg8zenmu7gzq8ulj5jj4kv50ph3muwz43f747vmr9ld2alrjdswgavpsgqqqqqqsq5lkzq)
- [He uses Zaprite](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqjln5vfhstwf2ahjrmanh57kzwrap4v3xpfzql5sxp48gxlk4a74qqsraadvah6890x4hgvr4rcxe9c2n79a0kx88te3hf7x88j72rh7cuskhempa)
[He has giveaways](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqyqzpzvke2t7fxwh0rzea5zmx7qnddzgsqk35ujp9tgpw9jmjsmnserr3z8466)
[He wants everyone to live on a bitcoin standard](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqy9kvcxtqa2tlwyjv4r46ancxk00ghk9yaudzsnp697s60942p7lqqs8gnddcnkj5p2047qam5drgw5jxlg60vy736e2rwxsmj593whnllsy8ej9j)

### Testimonials

**The LOTSProject8**



**Bit 🐳 Ish**

["It's good stuff, you'll love it."](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzpr38l76unwuvm5qnrt0xa7jf64k5qx65ynvlm7dx8cr565nmqu2uqqs2r7rcp2rssfcqhk5838cuu569h43wlkvw34gy8ad2flgdpl0cezckxghkc)

["Great soap 🧼🫧"](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqj5nelekm4aruughza09y8yy26ansshnc23wq2kdha79dqz8rhemqqsxdq4xf69vgk27nnes4syrnekpg4mhkp6v4rer7nzdgfht8kya8ssucu8lz)

["I spent the last two days shyoveling horse shit and compost for my garden. This soap made me feel rubber-ducky squeeky clean afterward."](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzph68s45y080zdd9g8sdacnd6kcd4ejpwrgcju2eghjq45y4f28n8qqsfvqylk56zdh5n3ykhleypr5zznevqt9dw04vptdeuh9jmskemndgq0hw25)
##### Conclusion
I am a soap mining soap customer now. I'm done with fiat soap. I'm thinking about handing out his soap for Christmas gifts. Odell was right. It is good soap. It's expensive compared to the comercial crap, but competitive with fancy olive oil soaps I've seen. I paid with fiat I had in Strike, but Soapminer received bitcoin. I was going to buy soap anyway, but buying soap this way took $35 of fiat off Strike and put it into soap miners strategic bitcoin reserve. It's not cheap, but buying Dove requires me to first buy fiat. Buying soap from Soapminer takes sats off the exchange. Buying Dove does not, but that's not the only reason I bought this soap. It's great soap, but that's not really why I bought it. I am a big believer in what Adam Smith described as the invisible hand: [nostr:note1jsgzk6rxulyqthae8c53rrawaa70yjqh37nm3kxh08xw8g43vgcq3kux9d "nostr:note1jsgzk6rxulyqthae8c53rrawaa70yjqh37nm3kxh08xw8g43vgcq3kux9d"). We want to see people in our community to prosper. It is in our self-interest That is what Smith means by the invisible hand. The invisible hand is not A Central Bank manipulating interest rates and The IMF turning foreigners into debt-fiat slaves for cheap freshly-frozen shrimp.
Bitcoiners are my community. They may not be close to me by proximity, but my moral sentiments guide me to do business with bitcoiners whenever possible. See, capitalism cannot work with socialist money. Those moral sentiments change when people work for soft money. Fiat soap miners get paid in NGD currency. Sell soap for $35 today and that will buy you half as much stuff in 5 years. The fiat soap miner has no savings to improve his community. Inflation makes him search for the cheapest soap just to keep up with grocery prices.

Soapminer can save his sats earned selling soap without anyone stealig from him. Therefore, he will be able to afford to buy stuff in his community. Those on a fiat standard cannot afford to save their money in the hopes of buying high quality products and services in their community. Fiat is socialist money, therefore only buys less and less as time goes on. Dear readers, we are not on late stage capitalism. The problem is that socialist money sucks. Those Papi Trump bucks might be fun for a month, but in the end, everyone pays the Piper. Tariffs are a sales tax, [paywalls in meatspace](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzph68s45y080zdd9g8sdacnd6kcd4ejpwrgcju2eghjq45y4f28n8qyt8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68yetvd96x2uewdaexwtcpzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumt0wd68ytnsw43z7qg4waehxw309ajxjar5duh8qatz9aex2mrp0yqzqx3u59js9ewy9xwr7nuzv5eytj9ty979wrc7vrhv3tfykjxp5pd28s750n). Save your sats long enough, and these taxes will not matter. We circumvent the unjust tax of inflation, we will find solutions to unjust taxes levied on our community.
I participate in the bitcoin circular economy because I want to bring capitalism back. I do not care where you live. If you are a bitcoiner, you are part of my community. There is an invisible hand which compels me to buy stuff from people in my community. That's why I bought soap from Soapminer, but you know what? **the soap is pretty damn good**.