@ Bucky Fonds
2025-03-12 13:40:45
This is the documentary I'd like to make/see made.
1. A couple of elite families have been controlling/enslaving the World for hundreds/thousands of years.
2. These families are responsible for all wars, false-flag attacks, the enslavement of the people through taxation, inflation and propaganda.
3. Suddenly, the information gets out and everyone now knows who is behind every worldwide event in humans history. The members of these families are now world-famous. It's as if 90% of the population got unplugged from the Matrix in an instant.
4. The Elites try to push their propaganda and regain control, but nothing works as the mind-control has been broken.
5. The only thing the Elites have left is to reset the World.
6. The Elites, other intellectuals, and a few hundred people that will be used to repopulate, hide in bunkers underground (e.g. in Hawaii) and by means of Directed Energy Weapons (or by other means), they kill everybody who lives in the 15-minute cities (99.9% of the population).
7. All buildings are demolished, there is no electricity, no running water, no technology, no books, no phones or computers. They've melted every city on Earth.
8. This isn't the first reset, and the Elite families have written the book on how to execute a relatively clean reset as they have gathered all the technology from multiple civilizations.
9. Now the Elites have to use the remaining plebs to repopulate the World.
- After the babies are born, they are given to infant incubators and then indoctrination facilities where they are taught only things that serve their Masters.
- These kids have to be so programmed that if you tell them they are located on a spinning ball, moving thousands of miles per hour through an infinite space, with water stuck to the ball, they won't question it.
- There is no intelligent design, no God, no afterlife, and everything is just a coincidence that cannot be observed or proven because it happened over millions of years.
- Everyone who questions the official narrative gets placed in an insane asylum where they are reprogrammed or killed if the programming doesn't work.
- It is a generation of parent-less, heavily-programmed children.
10. The main tasks the Elites have are:
- Hide the real history and the resets. If you watch the YT or Rumble channel "My Lunch Break", he argues that most of these Wikipedia pages of historical figures, buildings and events are written using Artificial Intelligence and it certainly seems that way to me as well. The fact that we didn't have access to Artificial Intelligence until very recently doesn't mean that no one did.
- Convince everyone that they are the most advanced Civilization to have ever lived - everyone before them was a stupid, horse-riding monkey.
- Only release technologies that serve the Elites at times when these technologies can be used for control and propaganda.
- Hide all the technologies that free humanity (e.g. free energy).
- Start inflating the currency so that people must work 7 days a week to survive and don't have time to think.
11. If the Elites are releasing a technology to the plebs, they have to make there is a really good reason:
- Running water where you can put fluoride or other medicines that make the plebs less intelligent, weaker, sicker.
- Newspapers, Radio, Television for spreading propaganda and brainwashing the plebs.
- Every once in a while you can give the plebs a technology that serves them but doesn't free them too much, as the plebs have to think that they are the most advanced civilization in the history of the World, and everyone who came before them is retarded.
12. The ideal pleb is sick, stupid, poor and unarmed, so the Elites want to hit as many of these as possible.
- To make the people stupid, you have to give kids fluoridated drinking water and make them spend the first 20 years of their life in indoctrination facilities where they are taught what to think and not how to think. When you exclude reading, writing, algebra and foreign languages, everything else has to be a lie or irrelevant. You have to discourage the kids to use their brain, their eyes, their senses by forcing them to memorize countless, nonsensical stories that you present as facts.
- The most direct, controlled way to make people sick is to convince them to inject a vaccine into their arm. Even spraying them with heavy metals from the sky is not as precise. Obviously, viruses don't exist, but with enough brainwashing you can convince the plebs to voluntarily inject poison into their arms.
- To make sure the plebs are unarmed, even after wars, you have to stage false-flag events where "a complete psycho" uses guns to shoot-up a cinema, a school, a hospital, etc. If executed correctly "Problem -> Reaction -> Solution" works every time.
- To make the plebs poor, you have to use inflation, taxation and some of the freshly-printed pieces of paper that you somehow convinced the plebs to believe in. This is very easy to do if you own almost every Central Bank in the World.
13. This is where everyone asks "Oh man, do you know how many people would have to be in on conspiracy XYZ for it to work?".
- But if you use your brain, you know that incentives determine outcomes, and the incentives in a system are controlled by very few people.
- Do you know how many people have to be in on the conspiracy where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals and banks destroy the economy?
- You don't need that many people, you just have to corrupt the incentives.
14. Here, it's important to note that most people are inherently good.
- They don't want to kill, rape, rob, and enslave other people. And even more-so, they don't want to plan and execute the mass-murder and mass-enslavement of other people.
- To address this, you have to invent a religion consisting of people who have no problem doing these things to the rest of the World.
- As long as the person is not of the chosen tribe, you can kill, rape, rob and enslave them.
- We'll call this religion Judaism.
- As these people have no regard for human life, these are the people you'll have to put at the highest levels to further your plans.
15. Mistakes will be made, but you control every outlet of information in the entire World, so you are very much untouchable.
- Over time, more and more of the World's richest men figure out that this is how the game works, but what are they going to do - reveal the game and cause the next reset while they're at the top of the food-chain? No. Instead, they will join the battle to enslave humanity to push the next reset further out (shout-out Bill Gates).
- With all of the middle-management you've stacked, no one can even figure out who is pulling the strings.
- Until they do, and then you have to press the reset button again.
Imagine being a World leader, and you are a good, God-fearing man, looking to do the best for your people.
Do you tell them the truth about everything and cause the next reset, or do you continue to lie and hide truths that would free your people, to push the next reset out? Somewhere along the way, you probably lose yourself. (shout-out ________ _____ ? probably not)
By the way, my best guess is that the previous reset was around 250-300 years ago but that's a story for a different time.
How does Bitcoin fit into this? We feast until the next reset.
How does Nostr fit into this? We communicate until the next reset.
Obviously, this is a very quick write-up, so it can be expanded and corrected a lot.
If you need more context and don't know what the fuck I'm on about, you'd need to research the Old World conspiracy theory: