
@ Vikingarna1990
2025-03-13 08:44:02
"This is Ibrahim Abou Ghali (H.A.), from Jenin. Yesterday, the Jews murdered his grandmother, 60-year old Faiza Abou Ghali (R.A.), and subsequently abducted him... Covered him in a foil sheet... Interrogated him... Beat him... And then stripped him naked in the street, leaving him in the freezing cold. He is just 7 years old.
Why are we fighting the usurping Zionist entity and striving to erase it from existence?
This is why.
Because it does this to children.
And what was done to little Ibrahim should never happen to one more kid. Ever.
Eradicating this Tumor should be the goal of every free human with breath in their lungs.
For Ibrahim. For his teta (grandmother). For Jenin. For the West Bank. For all of Palestine. And beyond."