@ Essencial
2025-02-05 13:44:29
# Nature shows us the way…
## …but what does humanity do?
### Let’s take a look at winter:
Trees shed their leaves. The plant’s energy withdraws so it can conserve strength and survive the cold season.
Wild animals follow the same pattern: In autumn, they build up reserves, grow thick fur, and retreat into their caves and thickets. Little movement, lots of sleep – a natural strategy for preserving energy. Animals that wouldn’t survive the cold migrate to warmer places to spend the winter.
#### And what does humanity do?
We eat just as much, move just as much (or little), sleep too little – just as we do all year round. Why? Because we can. Because our lives are no longer governed by the seasons. Refrigerators are full, supermarkets are always open, work calls, and daily routines remain unchanged. But this does not come without consequences.
During winter, we don’t allow ourselves to rest or retreat. We ignore our natural needs, overexerting ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. The result? An exhausted body and mind, discontent. The lymphatic system gets clogged, the body becomes overly acidic. Spring fatigue, low energy, depression, inflammation, and other ailments follow.
### And then comes spring…
Nature awakens. Life begins anew everywhere. Buds sprout, blossoms unfold – pure energy in its most vibrant form! Everything that grows now serves cleansing and detoxification: wild herbs, fresh shoots, and buds – nature’s medicine for body and mind.
Wild animals follow this rhythm. They shed their winter coats, become more active, consume this natural medicine, mate, or give birth.
#### And what does humanity do?
We keep eating the same, sleeping too little, rushing through our daily routines. And then we wonder why we feel tired, sluggish, and drained. Why our thoughts feel heavy and our bodies weak. Why depression creeps up on us at this very moment. Did you know that the highest suicide rate is in spring?
### Summer – the time of abundance
Nature gifts us with light, warmth, ripe fruits, berries, and fresh vegetables.
Animals spend most of their time outdoors, eating what nature provides and recharging their energy into every cell of their being.
#### And what does humanity do?
We keep working as always, consuming industrially processed foods, barely spending time outside. Too much artificial light, too little sleep. No wonder so many feel exhausted even in summer, drained, struggling with digestion and metabolism.
### Autumn – preparing for retreat
Now is the time for harvest. Nuts, mushrooms, apples, pears, root vegetables, pumpkins, cabbage – all available to build up reserves.
Animals follow nature’s call, gathering, storing energy, preparing for the coming months. Chlorophyll in leaves breaks down, green turns to vibrant autumn colours.
#### And what does humanity do?
We ignore these signals. We stay trapped in the hamster wheel. We enter winter unprepared, weakened, prone to infections, drained by a lack of sunlight and an overly acidic system.
### A cycle of exhaustion
And so the wheel keeps turning. Because we ignore nature. Because we no longer listen to our bodies. Because we have lost touch with our intuition. Because we have enslaved ourselves.
#### What can you do?
Not everyone is ready to leave their daily life behind, move to a warm country, and become self-sufficient. Many want to maintain their current lifestyle.
#### So how can we break the cycle?
Turn inward. Take time each day to listen to yourself. To truly feel what you need. To give space to your needs. Sense what drains you, what makes you sluggish. What brings you joy. Cleanse yourself – physically, mentally, emotionally!
> **********Do** more of what you miss, of what makes you happy and **fulfilled.** **Remember:** **You** **too** **are** **nature.**********
If all this sounds like a lot of inner work, I invite you to take first steps.
#### Ask yourself:
- Does your body need detoxification?
- Cleansing?
- More movement?
- Or is it time for emotional release?
*If you wish support, let me know and we will discuss an energy exchange that allows you to do something good for yourself in a sustainable way. Supporting you in reclaiming your energy and strength – for a year filled with vitality, self-respect, and self-love. 💛*
Spring is calling! It offers us a new chance.
Do you hear it? Yes, it’s calling you! Let’s go! 🚀