@ Battosai
2024-11-30 00:07:10
Why do people enjoy pain and a short time pleasure, which could ruin their life and peace?
Why can't people leave their fleshy desires, obsession and pleasures even if it kills them?
Many have become slaves to their obsession having no will of theirs, claiming to be free yet imprisoned by their futility and lust.
We thought we have closed all the doors and windows, turn off the light so no one can see us, least so we thought to ourselves, forgetting our conscience is wide open, and God who sit in heaven watching, like it was never night nor dark, sees through us for he is light ruling over darkness.
The devil working upon our obsession making it a reality. The devil always uses our sinful, lustful desire to trick us given an end vain pleasure
We fall once, down with the guilt and pain of sin, the weight of the burden once thought, destroying the spirit and causing so many pains of regret, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence again.
He comes again not to bring new but to dwell in our past, bringing memories, mistakes, and errors making us feel more guilty and vulnerable, making us feel worthless and hopeless "We are doomed, so we think, God can't help us, our sins are too many; and with that, he finds a way to make us fall again, destroying us slowly till we are empty, having no will (stronghold).
Like a fire 🔥 lit in a bush, small as it is no one thought it could cause so much harm, or rather they thought they could control it or, put it off when they don't need it or, get bizarre.
Anything that has passed infantry allowed to grow is difficult or impossible to control so is a sin when is allowed to grow like a fire covering many areas is hard to put all areas off fast before one knows many areas are damaged many are beyond repairs
Every day we wake up, we plan how our lives, and how we are going to live the day, without the slimmest thought of contention, 'what if'. We do believe we have everything under control, everything planned out, but we forget that we are nothing but a sand timer that runs down so quickly than we thought.
Like the sand timer, our lives fade away gently, piece by piece till we cease to exist, only then, do we understand that we are rebels in this kingdom, not owners for we own nothing, with the dust reaching its last, the heartbeat and craves for more time, then we also understand, that time is never enough and time is so precious and priceless
Why do we always feel as if we have all the time in the world? why do we assume death to be a fairytale or a horror ghost story just to scare us out? Without having a sting.
Every day death proves more eager, the grave is so desperate that it looms looking and searching for any opportunity necessary to sting it stings.
But we are so carried away by life, deceived by what we have, the power, authority, and influence. We feel we are covered, yes we are but only to some certain extent. For life is so spiritual, than we could ever imagine or think of.
The night comes darkness looms over, evil rises, and fear grips one's heart, all wishing for the light. But now is no longer darkness that's so terrifying, but light itself has become as terrifying as the darkness, people wishing to live through the light, now wish the same to live through the night, for in it they find peace and comfort 😢
Why, I ask why, why has light become so terrifying and darkness become more comforting that the people find solace in it?
I came to understand why people find comfort in darkness is because they are afraid of selves afraid of what they have become, darkness does not challenge but rather allows you to wallow in your misery and regret, killing and draining you where no one will correct you or remind you, that you are not good enough, darkness gives you the room to accept who and what you have become, and there and then it echoes is better to die and live in peace than to be alive and live in misery.
Why will one think of death as the only option or think of death as the only solution to peace, is living not joyful, is life not great to live, why will one wish to leave all, family, friends everything, and settle for death?
I came to understand that, the most reason why one tends to choose death over life or loves to behold the warmth of darkness instead of light, is the feeling of emptiness and internal failure even after a significant measure, of material and social success, is a direct result of failure to discover purpose in life and a reason of being, when one loses his peace, joy all that's left or remain is pain, and regret. When a man reaches a stage of emptiness, where nothing else again matters life itself has no meaning, then it's only a test of time before destruction befalls such a person
Even the rich are depressed and frustrated beholding the enticement of the dark, and many try to drink themselves up, to them is the only way to find peace within, why, after so much wealth and achievement yet feel lonely, his greatest friends are alcohol and nights.
If money, riches cant give fulfillment or perfect peace then what can?