
@ franzap
2025-03-11 02:30:41
Thanks. By architectures you mean specs? Seems like we'll have several coexisting then.
Moderating by content seems like insanity. Users should still be able to mute.
I would use WoT (Personalized Pagerank of the admins) and also kick out users who misbehave (could be whitelisting as I do rn). Whether at relay or event level, not sure. I am definitely tempted to give it a shot - make up a kind and let's go.
Lastly, I saw the groups on Coracle, and I dislike the "item is content" UX (I know its the spec not you.)
There should be a required plain text title to summarize. This is how Reddit/forums work. This is how stacker.news works and why so many people love these sites.