@ Cameri
2025-02-12 11:47:16
Reminds me of The Five Monkeys Experiment, where 5 monkeys are placed in a cage with a ladder to a bunch of bananas hanging from the ceiling. Every time a monkey tries to climb the ladder the entire group is sprayed with water. The group then tries to stop any future attempts to climb the ladder. The banana bunch is removed. Monkeys are removed one by one, after each new monkey tries to climb the ladder. Eventually all monkeys are new, none know about the water, but if any one tries to climb the ladder the group beats it into submission.
In the end none know why.
That’s how I feel with cultural norms such as this one. It serves to please and remain loyal to our ancestors who lived in farms and whose hats came dirty from the elements but that’s far from the case today. These people are not even with us today but live freely in our brains to tell us how and when we should wear hats.