
@ Vikingarna1990
2025-03-03 14:17:38
Marxism and National "Socialism" are complete opposites.
They are two entirely opposing views of human nature down to the core.
Marxism seeks the eradication of human differences based on the lie that you can alter human nature by changin a material factor. This is an extremely destructive lie, and it leads to immense suffering.
Marxism is parasitism on a gargantuan scale, and it is international in scope. In Marxism, the targets for parasitism are the plebs.
Naturally, Marxism came straight from the extremely parasitical, highly psychopathic Jewish brain.
National "Socialism" was a glorious venture in anti-parasitism. It was nationalistic in scope.
National "Socialism" accepted that there were natural human differences and organized accordingly, the goal being a merit-based society within the confines of a people that was deemed as sharing a sufficient enough racial heritage and build upon it.