
@ mozharov
2025-03-04 08:08:00
I used to listen to almost everything at 1.5-2x speed. Now, I always listen at 1x.
I can’t explain it clearly, but it feels like my brain processes incoming information more effectively when it "thinks slowly." At higher speeds, it’s as if I’m "listening just to listen" rather than "listening to understand and remember."
On the other hand, if that’s the case, why not listen to everything at 0.5x to perceive information as thoroughly as possible? Does that mean it’s just a matter of habit after all?
I’m curious if there’s any research on this topic. I know the brain is flexible and can adapt to any speed of information consumption. Still, I’d like to know how it affects comprehension and retention of learned material. How does it impact brain function? How does it affect real-life communication with others, where I can’t switch the conversation to fast-forward mode, but I’m used to consuming everything at 2x speed? Is it worth training the brain to process information at higher speeds? 🤔