
@ Bread and Toast
2025-02-01 15:07:16
#TheWholeGrain - #January2025
This January we really got to start the story telling of our first adventure series painted by Dakota Jernigan a.k.a. The Bitcoin Painter! The typical Singles of the month were released on Sunday along with a special Single released on the first to celebrate the New Year! Here we go, 2025! And, even with all that the monthly Concept Art, Bitcoin Art, and the newest Cover Art from Toast's Comic Collection were all still released! Not only was the first month of 2025 quite packed full of fun content, but the Bread and Toast website got a makeover! Did you notice all the explanation points!? We're all so excited we just can't help ourselves from using them!
**January Sunday Singles**
2025-01-01 | Sunday Single 73
Title: Happy New Year 2025
*Happy New Year! What a year 2024 has been!
We can’t wait to see what 2025 has in store for us!*
2025-01-05 | Sunday Single 074
Title: Snowflake
*It’s the most beautiful snowflake Toast has ever seen… until this one melts then it’s on to the next one!*
2025-01-12 | Sunday Single 075
Title: Weight Lifting
*End-Piece has been working out since last year’s resolution. Now, time for heavy lifting!*
2025-01-19 | Sunday Single 076
Title: Good Morning
*GM, Everybody!*
2025-01-26 | Sunday Single 077
Title: Chess
*When it comes to the chessboard, Bread is King.*
**Adventure Series: Questline**
Bread, Toast, and End-Piece have started their journey in Grain Valley, and they have already found themselves in what used to be a village that is now been burnt to a crisp!
Writer: Daniel David (dan 🍞)
Artist: Dakota Jernigan (The Bitcoin Painter)
2025-01-14 | Questline
001 - The Adventure Begins
Our heroes take their first steps upon one of the oldest paths in all of Grain Valley. They can see the mountains in the background of the landscape before them. As they walk, they see in the distance ahead of them large amounts of black smoke rising until it disappears into the sky.
2025-01-28 | Questline
002 - A Village Burned
The source of smoke surrounds our heroes as their path brings them to the center of what used to be a village. It seems to be completely abandoned with no signs of life. Yet, all the remains of the village appear to have only recently burned to a crisp. What could have possibly happened here?
**Other Content Released in January 2025**
2025-01-01 | Toast's Comic Collection
Title: Iron Bread #9
*"I am Iron Bread." - Tony Starch*
2025-01-08 | Concept Art
Title: Second Bread Sketch
*A second sketch of the character Bread. Remade and cleaned up.*
2025-01-15 | Bitcoin Art
Title: Stack Sats
*Toast is constantly stacking sats!*
Thanks for checking out the fifth issue of The Whole Grain. The Whole Grain is released on the first of every month and covers all of the content released by Bread and Toast in the previous month. For all Bread and Toast content visit BreadandToast.com!
**Thanks for helping us kick off 2025!**
***Bread, Toast, and End-Piece***
#BreadandToast #SundaySingle #Questline #ToastsComicCollection #ConceptArt #BitcoinArt #Bread #Toast #EndPiece #Artstr #Comic #Cartoon #NostrOnly #🖼️
***List of nPubs Mentioned:***
The Bitcoin Painter: npub1tx5ccpregnm9afq0xaj42hh93xl4qd3lfa7u74v5cdvyhwcnlanqplhd8g
dan 🍞: