
@ mleku
2025-03-09 21:10:26
to be fair, 42k years ago something created pale skin and lactose tolerance beyond childhood
that's one of the central theses of the book The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya
as i have discovered, everyone has been looking at Hancock and not paid attention to this one
it's got a bunch of other cool things in it too, and referenced and bibliographed to the gills, really, you need to read it, if this stuff is interesting to you
the other nice thing about it is there is a heavy emphasis on Enoch and related stuff, and i have read two of the Genesis apocrypha, not finished Jasher quite yet but Jubilees was quite educational, and now i am reading catholic canon genesis again... haha...
i want to believe that our ancestors who built the great pyramids and the sphinx are going to make good on their promise to evac the good people for the 1000 years of freezing doom that's coming to this planet after this next cycle
which also, Enoch book says the angels say the next disaster will be total for life, like, forget seeds resprouting before a week passes, no, 1000 years, that's what Revelation says too
i want to believe, and it's not just the bible, Apocalypse also points to Hindu texts as well, there is a conjunction 25th of june this year that is precisely described in Vishnu Purana as marking the beginning of a new golden age (krita age)
and that our ancestors from Mu and Atlantis have been doing their thing up in the next outer spiral arm (taurus constellation is literaly the next spiral arm of the galaxy, along with the nearby Sirius and Centauri stars, and will fulfill their promise to come back and make sure that the toxic mind virus doesn't continue, but what has been forged from the battle with it does
yeah, crazy stuff but i'm sure that i'm gonna be hearing more and more about this in coming months