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2025-03-05 01:47:51
Bitcoin setup: Ubuntu, Tor, Specter wallet.
Full Node Operation: A Bitcoin full node validates transactions and blocks, relays them to other nodes, and serves lightweight clients like Specter Wallet. Sufficient full nodes are crucial for network decentralization and preventing censorship.
This tutorial guides beginners through setting up a Bitcoin full node using Bitcoin Core, Specter Wallet, and Tor on an Ubuntu Linux system (installable on Mac or PC), emphasizing trust minimization and security.
Older laptops or PCs (even those purchased inexpensively) can effectively run a full node, avoiding the extra cost of a Raspberry Pi. A terabyte hard drive (or larger) is recommended for a fully synced node.
Ubuntu Linux (LTS version recommended) provides a stable and secure operating system. Bitcoin Core is the full node software, and Specter Wallet is a secure, multi-sig compatible Bitcoin-only wallet.
The tutorial details installing and configuring Tor for anonymous network communication, enhancing privacy and security for both Bitcoin Core and Specter Wallet.
The tutorial walks through the installation of Ubuntu, Bitcoin Core, Specter Wallet, and Tor, including command-line instructions for each step. It emphasizes verifying downloaded software integrity using PGP signatures.
The tutorial introduces basic Linux terminal commands (e.g., `cd`, `ls`, `sudo`, `apt`, `vi`), empowering users to manage their system effectively.
Pruned vs. Full Nodes: The video demonstrates the difference between a pruned node (smaller storage requirement, less complete blockchain data) and a full node (requires more storage but contributes fully to network health).
The tutorial highlights security measures such as using strong passwords, enabling disk encryption (optional), and using Tor for anonymous network access.
Self-hosting a full node enhances privacy, reduces reliance on third-party services, and contributes to the decentralization of the Bitcoin network.
--- Repeat List
These are the two lines that you will use to launch Bitcoin Core and Specter Wallet once everything is installed and configured:
cd ~/Downloads/bitcoin*/bitcoin*/bin && ./bitcoin-qt
cd ~/Downloads/specter*/ && ./Specter*.AppImage
-- Downloads List
Ubuntu Linux Minimum System Requirements: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ins...
Download Ubuntu Linux Desktop ISO: https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop
Download Balena Etcher: https://www.balena.io/etcher/
Download Bitcoin Core: https://bitcoin.org/en/download
Download Specter Desktop: https://specter.solutions/downloads/
-- Install Tor
0. download https://deb.torproject.org/torproject...
1. sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://deb.torproject.org/torproject... $(lsb_release -sc) main" (two right angle brackets here) /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tor-project.list'
3. sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tor-project.list (we're launching a lightweight version of vim here, use the h j k and l keys to move around, hover over the - in arch-amd64 and replace with = by pressing c l =, then click esc :wq to write quit which is saving, if you make a mistake click esc :q! to quit without saving)
4. sudo apt install ./Downloads/deb.torproject.org-keyring*.deb (the wild card keeps this command evergreen, since they have new versions and multiple files listed in the tutorial)
5. sudo apt update
6. sudo apt install tor
7. sudo vi /etc/tor/torrc (uncomment two items here by removing the # symbol, scroll down to them using the h j k and l keys)
8. ControlPort 9051 (j j j down to the # symbol then press delete, then escape)
9. CookieAuthentication 1 (j j j down to the # symbol then press delete, then escape, :wq to write and quit, :q! to quit without saving if you make a mistake)
10. sudo systemctl restart tor (restart tor)
-- Install Bitcoin Core
1. https://bitcoin.org/en/download, also save verify release signature
2. open the downloads folder, right click bitcoin-*.tar.gz and click "extract here"
3. cd Downloads/
4. sha256sum --ignore-missing --check SHA256SUMS.asc
5. gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 01EA5486DE18A882D4C2684590C8019E36C2E964
6. gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc
7. it should say "Primary key fingerprint: 01EA 5486 DE18 A882 D4C2 6845 90C8 019E 36C2 E964"
8. navigate to Downloads/bitcoin-0.21.0-x86_64-linux-gnu/bitcoin.21.0/bin and right click any empty space to select "Open in Terminal" or you could use cd ~/Downloads/bitcoin*/bitcoin*/bin && ./bitcoin-qt (this launches the GUI version of Bitcoin Core)
9. on the first time running, it will let you select "Use default directory" and "Discard blocks" if you wish to run a prunded node due to limited hard drive space.
10. Settings - Options - Network and check "Connect through SOCKS5 proxy" with and 9050 (might have to restart Bitcoin Core for this change to take effect, use the terminal window and press ctrl + c to close the running instance, then re-launch bitcoin-qt)
11. Settings - Options - Open Configuration File, add the lines server=1 and blockfilterindex=1 (blockfilterindex only works if you aren't running a pruned mode)
12. ctrl + shift + t opens a new terminal tab sudo tail ~/.bitcoin/debug.log -f -n 200 (optional, runs a debug window)